Friday, August 17, 2012

Gel nail.


Aren't they chic?  My nails got dressed up for the upcoming autumn season. 

みかさんのブログ、mika nail も是非覗いてみてください。

These Gel nails are done by my sister-in-law.  If you are interested in her work, here is her blog: mika nail

Fireworks and people, people, people.

Look at this field filled with people.  It's not only here, but the whole riverside, street, and everywhere is packed with people.  I still can't believe we got there with the kids.  I was wondering about what was in my dad's backpack when we left our house, and he kept walking into this craziness, then here we were with a picnic blanket, bug spray, and icy cold spots drinks came out of my dad's magical backpack.

This is a local one, but they shot 5000 fireworks in 30 min.  This is the best I can do with my camera without a tripod. It just was amazing!

rolls, danish, cinnamon twist, and tuna-mayo-corn.




Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Zoo at night.

Ueno Zoo is open until eight o'clock for six days in the summer.  During summer break, I heard it is packed with people, but we went there a couple of days before the Japanese version of Memorial Day.  Lots of people leave the city to travel back to their hometown, so during this time of the year and around the New Year, it gets pretty empty.  We got there at five o'clock, and there was no more hot sunshine, but a nice breeze that went through the park, the animals were very active, and it was perfect.


We can't miss the Panda!  Eating dinner.


Of course, we can't miss this either.  Super fake background :)


The mom and baby monkey were so cute.


We ended up being at the zoo for three hours.  On the way to the train station, we walked by this pond of lotus flowers.  You can't really see the blossoms, but it was beautiful.  You also might not be able to see stars here, but I feel at home when I'm out in a night like this with lots of lights.     


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Park after raining.

This LOOONG roller slider was on the to-do list while we are in Japan, but since the weather has been hot, we haven't even been able to touch any metal until last week.  This day, it was raining all day until 4pm.  When the rain stopped, we put our junkiest clothes on, jumped on our bikes, and dashed to this park.  I found this picture in my dad's camera.  I thought it's funny that Luther is even copying us.  


After playing at the slide, the kids played on the sand for a while during the sunset.  


It looks nice, but it is tiny, stinky and a man-made beach in a gray-water canal of Tokyo bay, although we found lots of fish and crabs.  It used to be a swimming beach until someone got hurt.  I wonder if all the smell and grayness was because of the hard rain...


Japanese Inspiration.




Tuesday, August 07, 2012

My No Kneed Bread

3c bread flour
1/4tsp yeast
1tsp salt
11/2TBS sugar
170ml water

1.Combine all ingredients in a big bowl until it gets mixed.
2.Wrap with plastic wrap, and let it sit for 12 to 16 hours.
3.Pour into dusted baking pans, and dust with flour.
4.Cover with a clean dish towel, and let it sit for 2 hours.
5.Cover with foil (or if you have a cast iron pot with a lid, it works the best), then bake it at 500゜for 25 min, then uncovered for 10 min.


強力粉 720cc
イースト 1/4
塩 1tsp
砂糖 11/2
水 170ml

5.アルミホイルで蓋をして(ルクルセなど蓋つきのお鍋があればそれが一番)、250゜(家のオーブ ンの最高温度なので)で25分焼き、蓋をとって好きな硬さになるまで焼く。私は柔らかめ(といっても固め)で10分焼きました。


Monday, August 06, 2012

Going out by myself.



I really wanted to take Amalie with me to this exhibit, but she had a high fever for most of last week.  Johannes Vermeer's `Girl With a Pearl Earring' came to Japan.  It was beautiful, but I could only see it from about 10 feet away.  It was super packed with people.  This sign is standing to tell people how long the line is. From this spot to the door is at least 200 yard away.  People told me it is sometimes two hours to get in.


Self portrait.  I'm in the center of the sphere.


After the museum, several train stops away, I went to Ginza.  I had to pick up my newly sized wedding ring, which was too tight after all those DIYs.  And, there were some other errands to run.  I wish I could shop here.  There are so so so so so many pretty things everywhere. 


At last where I headed was here, Red Cross blood donation.  I always wanted to do this.  After the earthquake and tsunami disaster a year and a half ago, we couldn't donate much of anything, so I was always trying to think of something I can do.  It doesn't have to be for the earthquake and tsunami, but someone can live with this small help we can do, right?
