Wednesday, June 05, 2013

sparkling apple-lemonade.


yeehaw!   soooo good.

ただ今、ポートランドではローズフェスティバルが開催中なんですけど、今日はアマリが一輪車でジュニア・ローズパレードに参加してきました。 30度近くの中、2kmちょっと漕いでいました。弱音ひとつ言わないでひたすら楽しむアマリがとても素敵に見えました。子供たちはスクールバスで学校に帰るんですけど、私達は車に戻らなきゃ行けないので合計6km、歩いてきました。

Amalie rode a unicycle for the junior rose parade today.  It was 85 degrees, and they rode 1.5 miles!  I was so proud of her for not complaining or whining any bit, and she finished it with a huge smile.  After we sent the kids to the school bus, we had to go back to our car, so we walked another 1.5 miles or so...  


The drink I made is sparkling apple-lemonade with homemade apple syrup.
Nothing is better than this:)


In April, I started this.  It's 2 chopped organic whole apples with same amount of sugar.  Leave this in room temp.


The next day, it's already getting syrup-like.

I think it took me about 10 days in cold spring weather.  Apples get light and spongy, and the syrup becomes golden brown.  Then, it's done.  



Apple-lemonade starter.
I can make hot or cold apple-lemon anytime!

Well, I'm exhausted!
Dinner was lasagna from Costco, some salad, and steamed artichoke.  Sorry husband and the kids.  Oh, actually they love this kind of store bought food... Amalie didn't touch her lasagna, and ate everything else.  We asked what's wrong with the lasagna, and she answered it is her desert:)   And, this guy.  He was done before I sat down.


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