Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My first homemade Play-Doh. It's probablly easier and cheeper to buy them, but on this kind of snowy day, this kind of things make me happier. The earthy colored dough is cute, too.

So, since we have the new ones, I was tossing old ones away.
Here is the very upset monster. I guess I needed to wait until she goes to sleep.....

In just two minutes later, she was happily making a pink cake. This is the pink and purple flower cake, which she screamed about in her dream a few days ago. In her dream, she said she wanted to make a purple flower cake by herself, but I yelled at her for not to do it. Am I that evil???


By the way, does anyone know how I can make homemade play-doh anti-bacterial?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Mental Health Dinner




We finally had a dinner with our new neighbor, Mike, Julie, Arden and Perry. We had such a blessed moment. We had so much fun, and I don't know why we couldn't have them sooner. I guess our house was a gorgeous construction site for a long time. (It still is...) I was just going to make a little bigger dinner, but somehow, I kept cooking, and cooking...The menu was:
  • Roast ginger pork
  • Avocado, tomato, chickpeas, olive and apple salad
  • Thin potato slice roast with Parmesan cheese and thyme
  • White asparagus with lemon butter
  • Iceberg lettuce salad
  • Turmeric rice
  • Poached pears with caramel sauce as desert
Cooking, eating and laughing with friends with a little wine is my mental health necessity item. I don't know why, but it just reminded me of my college life tonight.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New President

I don't know anything about politics, but I am excited about the fact we have the first African American President. Where I live, I am very much in the minority. There are many people that respect or are at least curious about my race, but there are just as many people that needlessly and negatively judge me based on their limited views of other cultures. In my very short workforce experience, someone didn't want to count my Japanese high school and college diploma, because she thought Japan is still an undeveloped country. Someone yelled at me why I, as a foreigner, had a job, but him as a citizen did not. Now, people still look down on me because of my skin color. Many of you guys don't know, because it wouldn't happen if I were with you. When I am out and about by myself or with Amalie, I get treated very differently, than when I am with a white person. I know it is hard to believe, because you probably don't know anyone that is racist towards Asians, but that could be because like-minded people tend to find each other. Well, my point is President Obama won through all the small things against him. I admire his intelligence and guts. I just hope Amalie's life will be a little easier in the future from many aspects.



Our great neighbour, Bob came for the dinner. Ryan used to run in the early morning, and Bob walks every morning at the same time. Ryan had never seen him before, and he was very curious about him, and he wanted to talk to him. Then, one day, they met each other just across the street. I still remember how it made Ryan happy. Ever since, Bob is a part of our lives, and our addition of the house is not here without his support. So, it is supposed to be a 'Thank you dinner', but of course, super nice Bob brought us a cute bouquet of flowers as well as a perfect red rose for Amalie. We can't pay him back forever! I just think we are so blessed to have lots of nice and cool neighbors.


Friday, January 16, 2009


I know that it sounds stupid to say Amalie is an fantastic artist. However, look at these.
As an artist myself, I get great inspiration again in my life.

'baby monkey and rain'

'papa, mama, amalie on piano and two babies'



'grass, water, sun and octopus'

'mama with big purse, amalie and papa'


'papa, mama and amalie'

'flower' - Play-Doh and scissors




Azuki-Japanese Sweet Red Beens



Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!
Skype is awesome. My dad brought his lap top to my family’s new year’s party, so we could see everyone, and they saw us. Amalie was dressed up in her princess dress, and she was putting make up on her face the whole entire time. Through the computer screen, I almost can smell the house and food. What wonderful technology! I used to pay soooooo much for the international phone bill. Now, it’s free with video phone.

Well, I made Osechi (Japanese New Year’s food) with what I had here without going Japanese market. I miss my family’s recipe, everyone, going to temples, TV shows, and big sale, especially around this time of the year.

12/30/2008 Tue


We came back home to the mountain of new toys and laundry. It was 2300 miles total. After Amalie and I took a bath, we had leftover chili curry and rice. It’s so good to be home. Amalie vacuumed whole entire house as soon as she opened a door.

I just wanted to THANK YOU for John, Jacque, Mumsy, Shannon, Tamaka and Dai-chan and all the children for such a great hospitality. I don’t know how we can thank you enough. Thank you for having us. We had a wonderful time there.

12/29/2008 Mon


Amalie is definitely getting well. We had a really nice and relaxed day at Mumsy’s house. Amalie played at the park, and I ran around the park as usual. It’s so nice to see that her terrible threes and evil smiles are back. However, I’m not really happy about gaining weight recently. I exercise everyday, and eat right. I think its side effect from the new medication. Mumsy had more presents for us. Amalie was just glued to her, and played until she passed out on the sofa.

PS: It's very new wave, isn't it?

12/28/2008 Sun



I felt guilty about bringing our sick little Amalie, but we stopped by Tamaka’s again on the way back to Ryan’s mom’s house. They made an amazing lunch, again. While we were there, I couldn’t stop wishing we could live close by. It is one of my most very precious relationships. Even when we haven’t seen for long time, nothing has changed since high school. Her two boys are super funny and cute. It’s rare that Ryan keeps saying how cute other children are ever since Amalie was born. They need to come to the North up someday. Come on~, you guys!

12/27/2008 Sat.

海璃の病状また悪化。本人がずうっと前から楽しみにしていたビーチに行こうと支度しては戻しての繰り返しで、でも「I want to go to the beach!」と泣き叫ぶので夕方少しだけどうにかビーチにたどり着き、遊ぶ。夕日も落ちそうな夕方で少し切ない。

Amalie went back to being sick again. I was heartbroken when she threw up all over her clothes and the car seat on a way to the beach. We had to go back home to clean up. She cried, cried, and cried, “I want to go to the BEACH!!!” After a shower and short nap, we tried again. She kept well. She played with sand until beautiful sunset. Oh, get well, Amalie~.

12/26/2008 Fri



I woke up early, and had a crisp walk with John. It is very happy thing that I can walk and talk with my father-in-law when the sun started shining.

Amalie must have started feeling well. She discovered the vacuum (toy) that Santa gave her. She was cleaning for easily 2 hours going back and force and using all the attachments. She also found all the millions of princess items chosen by Shannon. When I came back to kitchen, she just finished to painting her toe nails on the kitchen table. She also had purple lips, cheeks, and hands.

We had a little trip to the Japanese market in Costa Mesa. Oh, my god, it has everything that I need to live with a much lower cost than Uwajimaya here in Portland. Ah, I want this store near me. Amalie still kept doing well, so we walked along the boardwalk on Balboa Island to view the beach houses decorated with Christmas lights. They are so dreamy and cute. I LOVE Newport Beach!

12/25/2008 Thu


..............Are we awake? / 目は開いているのか私達?...............
Amalie started throwing up 2 am. It was uncontrollable and non-stop action until 5:30am. We almost cried---well, cried---when she kept saying “I’m sorry”. She fell asleep on me, so I just held her, and I didn’t get any sleep. Although she wanted to open presents, she couldn’t even react for any WOW-presents. We postponed opening, since she was not enjoying anything. We had the most delicious dinner while carrying Amalie and a bowl. Sorry, guys. It was a wonderful prime rib with vegetables better than any restaurant I’ve eaten at.

12/24/2008 Wed


George came to John and Jacque’s in the morning. It is almost a comedy to watch how George and Amalie play together. I ran errands with Jacque. It’s very fun to do something with both John and Jacque.

In the evening, we went to Christmas Eve mass at their church. It’s nondenominational, and I found out that it is so easy to understand for me. It feels like I went back to kid’s Sunday school that I went to (Please, no offence). Both Ryan and I grew up going to church, so we would like Amalie to know there is God with her always. However, at the local church we go sometimes, I have felt disconnected with my lack of bible knowledge and difficult to understand almost archaic language--I should have studied hard when I was a student. I really wish we could take Amalie every week to this church. Well, one of Amalie’s Christmas gift from grandparents was a kid’s bible, so I can re-study with Amalie every night.

We had a very fine dinner at Shannon’s. She made it a perfect night with perfect setting. How does she do this with a busy boy and twins??? We are having very nice Christmas!

12/23/2008 Tue


We went to Disneyland with Shannon and George in the late afternoon; Jacque says it is the best place to get the feel of Christmas. George and Amalie were so cute together. It was so Christmassy, and beautiful! We were there pretty late (and maybe stayed one ride too many). We enjoyed the parade as well as fireworks. The kids went down as soon as they hopped into their car seats. I’m glad that we went there with Shannon and George. It probably was way more fun than we were by ourselves.
I also jogged in the morning under blue sky and shiny sun as well as nice view of valley and ocean. This was what I wished for. What a heaven it is there.

Friday, January 02, 2009

12/22/2008 Mon


We drove more to the south to Newport Coast where Ryan’s dad, John and stepmom, Jacque lives. On the way, we stopped by Tamaka’s (one of my best friends) house. She looked so cute as always. It is impressive to see both Dai-chan (her husband) and Tamaka have created this really happy family with two young boys. They treated us very well. I would like them to have a workshop on ‘how to host sudden guests’. We ate a lot, and we laughed a lot. It was really nice to see all three kids play together with lots of crazy laughter.

12/21/2008 Sun


We went to the city of San Francisco by train. Unfortunately, we brought rain (a lot of it), and Amalie was sleeping whole entire time. Back at Mumsy’s house, Amalie was fascinated by all toys that Mumsy got for her as Christmas presents. Funny thing was Amalie put everything back into the bag, and she put it in Mumsy’s office. She probably thought they were Mumsy’s toys that Amalie was borrowing them for a play date.

12/20/2008 Sat.

It was already snowing crazily. We escaped Oregon in time, and we headed for California. We heard it snowed over 2 feet and lost power for 36 hours. We passed olive fields, orange fields, and oil pumps, and then came to Judy’s house (Ryan’s mom/ grandkids call her Mumsy) outside of San Francisco. I was surprised how big the fields and sky are in California.