Saturday, January 03, 2009

12/27/2008 Sat.

海璃の病状また悪化。本人がずうっと前から楽しみにしていたビーチに行こうと支度しては戻しての繰り返しで、でも「I want to go to the beach!」と泣き叫ぶので夕方少しだけどうにかビーチにたどり着き、遊ぶ。夕日も落ちそうな夕方で少し切ない。

Amalie went back to being sick again. I was heartbroken when she threw up all over her clothes and the car seat on a way to the beach. We had to go back home to clean up. She cried, cried, and cried, “I want to go to the BEACH!!!” After a shower and short nap, we tried again. She kept well. She played with sand until beautiful sunset. Oh, get well, Amalie~.

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