Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!
Skype is awesome. My dad brought his lap top to my family’s new year’s party, so we could see everyone, and they saw us. Amalie was dressed up in her princess dress, and she was putting make up on her face the whole entire time. Through the computer screen, I almost can smell the house and food. What wonderful technology! I used to pay soooooo much for the international phone bill. Now, it’s free with video phone.

Well, I made Osechi (Japanese New Year’s food) with what I had here without going Japanese market. I miss my family’s recipe, everyone, going to temples, TV shows, and big sale, especially around this time of the year.


sunderlage family said...

Mutsumi! Looks like you and Ryan and Amalie had a wonderful time (sorry Amalie was sick) What nice friends and family you have. We spent a week in AZ with beautiful weather, my parents, and my brother and his wife and kids. Happy New Year. You all look so good.

Anonymous said...


I remember when you brought this over to our house so the kids could try them for the new year - I remember thinking this was so cool of you.

We miss you, Ryan and Amalie.

That said, come out to Utah for a snowboard weekend. All you need to do is get here, you have a place to stay, food to eat and built in babysitter (The girls would love it - not to mention August having his first friend to play with again...)

Do it. We would love it.