Thursday, May 31, 2012

Car organizer pockets for kids.

While you are in the car, do you get this?
"Mama, tissue!"
"Mama, garbage!"
"Mama, my sunglasses are on the floor!"
I do.  I'm so done with being a slave for kids, especially while I'm driving.  

I was thinking of making an organizer with pockets that hang behind the front seats, but plain fabric is not stiff enough, even canvas isn't.  Also, it has to be see-through, so kids don't need to ask me where things are.  Can you tell?  I desperately wanted the kids to be independent back there.  

A couple weeks ago, we went to IKEA to pick up something unrelated to this project, but here I found exactly what I was looking for.  Wall pockets for $3.99.  Perfect material & perfect price.   



KUSINER Wall pockets IKEA
First, I cut one row of pockets off.  I was careful not to cut the seam of the yellow side.

So, the yellow pockets (left side) don't need to be sewn.  However, the right side of pockets need to be closed in.

I sew the edge back.

The stiff plates inside of the top of each pocket needs to be cut off a little, just a half inch or less.

With different fabric, I made a bias, and I wrapped the seam. They also become strings to hang the pockets from the car's front seats. 

A ribbon is attached for tying the bottom to the car seats.

Done.  Organizer pockets for kids in back seats. 

PS:  While I was making this, Luther was quietly drawing next to me.  WOW!  I loved it.
おまけ: これを作っている間、1時間半くらいでしょうか。私の隣でお絵かきに集中していたルーサー。こんなにジーとしていてくれたのは初めて。おかげで作業が進みました。嬉しい!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Three days weekend.

On the way back from my daily jog on Friday morning, I saw our friend was loading his SUV.  All afternoon, tons of RVs and SUVs with bicycles on top passed by our house.  I didn't realize this was Memorial Day weekend, so I jumped on the computer searching for any possibility of finding a hotel with vacancy where we wanted to go.  Of course, there was no luck at that point.  In the corner of my brain, I sort of remember my husband asking, "What we should do on Memorial Day?"....but, I just didn't know it was here right now.

When I woke up on Saturday morning, my fabulous husband came up with a day trip idea to the Columbia Gorge.  We packed a lunch, snack and stopped by the best coffee shop for a cup of the best Mocha, then we drove off to our day vacation.

First, we went to Multnomah Falls.



There were lots of baby salmon in this creek.  This bridge was built in 1907.
どこまでも透明な渓流にはサーモンの子供が泳いでいました。 鉄橋は1907年製。
A little water trapped。 in a tree.

Cave.  Luther was too scared to get in.

The center of this tree was empty.  Only thin Amalie could get in.  Of course, Luther was too scared to get in.

Horsetail Falls.


We found a mysterious tree, again.

Kids resting on a rock.  Anything is super fun for them.

We hiked a half mile up.  This is Upper Horsetail Falls.  Can you see?  The kids and Ryan are under the falls.

It's a jet stream.  Amalie's excitement was at a maximum.

The Columbia River is dividing Oregon and Washington.

Lots of flowers were blooming.


It turned out to be the best day trip ever.  The kids loved waterfalls, hiking, watching trains right in front of us, and snacking all day.  It's so nice that Luther is two now, and he is capable of this kind of activity.  We maybe can camp over night this summer.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

New dishwasher, yay!

The one last appliance that came with this house is leaving.  It's still working, but I always felt gross using an old dishwasher used by the previous homeowner, who happened to never clean anything.  Well, I'm germ-phobic, so don't mind me.  Anyway, the old model was made in 1991.  After 21 years, it might break anytime, and we got a great deal with GE appliances, so it's time to go.


I always thought I wanted stainless steel both inside and out.  But with our new kitchen, black goes better.


It's Energy Star.  I don't know how much of a savings we get, but it's got to be better than a 21 year old dishwasher, right?


For an entire hour, the kids were staring at the initial test operation, sitting on the cold tile floor.
By the way, if you are planning on replacing your dishwasher, chose the tall tub option.  It fits a lot more dishes. 


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Architectural bridge.

An old style train trestle.  Pretty cool!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


My kids grabbed each other and fought for the first time.  Of course, both needed to sit in a timeout.  As soon as they were in timeout, I heard Amalie start crying.  She regretted what a horrible thing she did (I hope that was the reason for her tears...).  Luther was quiet.  I thought he must felt bad, too.  After a few minutes, I came back to talk with them, then here the monster was.  Luther got a spider hat that I made a few years ago for Halloween, and he sat next Amalie. 

I was supposed to talk with them about no physical fighting, but I had to grab my camera.  Amalie finally realized her brother is not even feeling sorry or bad about the fight. 


Luther, you surprise me sometimes.  Do you even have a fear of timeout?!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Denim makeover.

I was cleaning out my kids' closets, and these were in a pile of 'get rid of stuff', then of course, Amalie found them.  According to her, these are the only comfortable jeans among all 6 pairs of hers.  I sort of understand.  I have several or more jeans, and I only wear a couple of them, too. 


Denim makeover vol.1
~out grown denim reborn into a short capri~

1. Cut the bottom off.  Keep a 1 inch margin on top of the decoration to make pockets.


2. Make a pocket template.  There was not enough fabric, so I unpicked the seam.  Keep a half inch margin when cut out.


3. It's easier to make a perfect shape by ironing a paper template inside.

3.  アイロンで形を作っていきます。型紙を中に入れて線にそってアイロンすると仕上がりが綺麗に出来ます。

4. The pockets need to be sewn on, and the bottom of the pants need to be hemmed.

4. ポケットを縫い付けて、裾も三つ折に縫います。

 5. Done!  Perfect for the summer.


Denim makeover vol.2
~putting applique on holes~

1. This was difficult solution.  It needed to be cute enough, otherwise the pants become a touched up old miserable item.  I found leftover Burberry fabric.  One knee didn't have a hole, but I sewed a couple of circles on both knees to make them to an design, not a touched up hole applique.


2. Here they are.  She can wear these for a little while, can't she?


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dressed up hanging basket.

This was my crayon-drawn plastic hanging pot.  At the end of last summer, I found something to replace it.  It was an over-sized hanging basket for a few dollars on a clearance rack, but it was white.


So, I painted it with the same paint as our front door.  It doesn't need to be perfect.  It is a three minute project.


Much better.  I love it.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day treats.




It's been getting hard to blog often.  One thing is because I was sick for a while after everybody else was done with the stomach flue, but another thing is somehow my calendar is filled all day, everyday with something.  What happened???  And, I think it will be worse towards the end of the school year.  

Mother's Day was so lovely; this was my favorite one.  Yesterday, both kids came to my bed to wake me up with hugs and kisses.  That was enough, but Ryan had my favorite drink in his hand, Mocha.  He also made chocolate dipped strawberries and bananas.  He didn't know the trick, so they looked very manly, but they sure tasted so gooood.  Amalie made a fabulous card at Sunday school.  At night, they decorated a cake, which I baked earlier.  It was the CUTEST cake ever.  Amalie worked on it for over an hour, while Luther was going nuts.  No wonder he was going wild-is it cake decoration that he is munching? 

It's pretty surprising that I finally feel I'm part of Mother's Day.  It was the first time I just truly feel, "Oh, I'm a mother."  While I was putting Amalie down for the night, I was thinking I'm the happiest mom in the universe.  Thank you guys for a lovely day!