Saturday, June 30, 2012




If you are not familiar with Japanese food, this might sound gross to you.  We eat soy beans a lot.  Two major seasonings are made with soy; soy sauce and miso.  Kinako is roasted soy bean powder, and it's eaten with Japanese sweets.  These pictures below are Natto.  It's fermented soy beans with Natto culture.  Soy already has tons of nutrition such as protein, fiber, isoflavones, which acts similar to female hormones, etc. And, when soy becomes Natto, it cleans bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.  The only (and huge) down side is the smell.  It STINKS.  I love Natto, but I still have to change the air in the house after I open it.  It taste good, but smells.

For all these years I've lived in the US, I've been making a trip to the Japanese market, which is not really convenient for us.  So, I tried to make one, and it worked!

First, I roasted half of the beans.  They were soaked for a whole day, and cooked until soft.  After draining water while it's still steaming hot, mix a table spoon full of Natto from a package.  Then, keep it pretty warm (I heard yogurt maker works well) for 24 hours.  Natto is breathing, so the covering needs to be a little loose.

After 24 hours.  The whitish coating is Natto culture.


And, I tried to make Natto with black beans.
After 24 hours.  I see the culture on the surface.



It worked!  My purpose for eating soy is isoflavones, but I loved this much better.  Taste good.

And, I had to dig in my pantry for different beans.  There were little chick peas.  It worked, too.

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