Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kichen Remodel Update vol.3.-Demo-

Crazy demo day! We worked super hard. In fact, I lost a pound after all that work. YEAH! We couldn't have done it without my parents help keeping the kids busy using Skype. Thank you. 

Why didn't we take this wall down 8 years ago??? I love the open feeling.
We are building an island there.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kichen Remodel Update vol.2.-Demo and Tiling-

Ryan finished most of the plumbing and electrical work. Now, the refridge can move to its place. The old water heater was here. Our new machine is already in the garage. F.Y.I, the new one is really saving our power bill, as well as it works as an air conditioner. Our down stairs is cold even though it's 85 degrees outside. By the way, this cabinet and floor need to go. You may notice the tiles don't match. We only had these tiles, and I guess we are lazy for not even shopping for the same ones. BUT, it will be under refridge. So we don't care...

I love newspaper planters.

These green planters I made a month ago worked very well. It was a little tricky to pick them up, because they were packed tightly in a box, but transplanting them was super easy. I dug holes and dropped them in without disturbing roots, cover with some compost, and done. No need to pick fifty plastic pots up, no clean up. I loved them.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Desk.

This is a very fancy desk from my mother-in-law. It's perfect for a computer desk, but our 6'5" boss can't fit in.

まずは、引き出しを破壊。そして綱模様の部分だけ、再度取り付け。First, the center drawer was knocked out. Then, the tight rope patterned molding went back on.
Everything got glossy black paint.
I wanted to make it like lacquered finish, so two coats of paint and three coats of polyurethane went on. I kept the original distressed white knobs.
We have to say good bye to our old desk, which we used for 11 years since we moved in together. Finally the time came that I can dig out our 11 years worth of junk. Phew!

Sunday, July 17, 2011




Does Amalie want to learn Japanese???

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finally kitchen remodel.-Plumbing and Wiring-

一見怪しいパパです。一見というより、ベルトはどうしたんだ。なぜ、車の積荷用のロープを巻いているんだ。その着 こなしはなぜ?これに、ヘッドライトを装着して家の周りをうろうろしていて、かなり怪しい。昼間の青白い会社マンからは想像のつかない怪しさ。



This is our plumber and electritian......hmmmm.....what's up with his style with a construction rope as a belt?....He even has a headlight on usually.

We finally started our kitchen remodel. For a month, we measured here and there, designed everything precisely, shopped for materials, and so now, Ryan is in the crawl space and attic doing all the complicated and dirty work. Isn't it great to have someone like him in the house? I can't imagine how much stress we would have if we had to hire someone. Strangers in the house all the time, water and power getting shut down whenever, some might smoke, some might not do what we want, and we'd need to pay a fortune. Although he looks like a complete geek, I admire him. And, I am a single mother ever since he is absent from our living space. Taking kids without a break until I put both of them down for the night is serious work. Our neighbors probably hear my screaming and yelling voice throughout the days. Finally, I got crazily sick today. I'm wearing a medical mask, and passing out once in a while. Sorry, you guys, tonight's dinner is left overs. Let's clean out our fridge.

Awning for summer.


This awning had a clear cover to keep out the rain, but I always wanted something to shade the sun during the summer. I've been looking for outdoor waterproof fabric with big black and white stripes, but I never had luck. Then, here it is. $4.00 picnic table cloth from Walmart. Since we don't have Walmart near by, we only visit that store a few times in our lives, but it's next to our only Krispy Kream. We went there for Father's Day to eat those low fat donuts ;) then I had to take my rare opportunity to go into Walmart. I wish this cloth is 8" wider and a little bit longer. I wanted to cut scallop edges to hang over the awning. But, it's only $4, and it's only for this summer. You can't beat that.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And, cherries.

These are too good! This tree is grafted, which means three different kinds of cherries on one tree. My favorite of all is of course Rainer.
However, we just found out our plum tree has no fruit at all this year. What happened?! It's because this cold spring and summer, I assume. I'm staring at the tree all day, and it makes me depressed...Although I know I can buy plums from stores pretty cheep, ours are truly organic!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I love our small sweet strawberries. We only bought a few of these plants 6 years ago. Now our retaining wall which is at least 50 feet long is covered by them. Still, with this cold spring and summer, we didn't get much this year = No jam this year.

The upper desert is my first store bought angel food cake. I really liked it. Costco had them for only $6 (I think, I don't remember...) for 12 mini cakes. I would definitely buy one instead making them. The bottom one is my homemade cake, ice cream and berries. Of course, we also ate the strawberries on their own. Luther eats them super fast like "Mr. Kobayashi from the hot dog eating contest", and Amalie is the famous slow eater. Now, we trap Luther in a high chair with two separate bowls for any fruits so both of them can enjoy them; otherwise, Luther would eat them all before Amalie.
ジャムになる前に食べてしまうからだろうな。ルーサーの次から次に口にいれる速さは、ホットドッグ選手権の小林さん並み。自分も食べたいカメさんペースのアマリと大喧嘩。最近は、まずルーサーをハイチェアに閉じ込めて、小皿に取り分けてフルーツを与えるんだけど、自分が早く食べ終わってしまって大騒ぎなので、結局あまりにキッチンの死角で食べてもらっています。 デザートの写真は上が、市販のエンジェルフードケーキ。初めて買って食べてみたけど、これなら買うな。コストコで12個6ドル(だったと思う。)で売っていて、フルーツと生クリームは自分で追加すればいいだけなので、なんともお手軽デザート。人数の多いおもてなしでも使えそう。下の写真、こっちは私のスポンジケーキにアイスクリーム。

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Raspberry Stand.



Friday, July 08, 2011

Innocent wish.


July 7th is the Japanese (I think it was actually originally Chinese) star festival. It's called "TANABATA". Bamboo trees are decorated with tons of paper lanterns, shells, stars and other things. The Milky Way is supposed to be the brightest in the night sky, so we brought Amalie from her bed to see the stars.


We don't have bamboo trees, so I decorated our apple tree with things Amalie and I made. One of the ones that Amalie made is the orange one. It has stars in the shape of the Milky Way.
We are also supposed to write wishes, so Amalie wrote,
"I want to fly."
It's not that she wants toys, or she wants to go to Disney Land. Wow. I can't even tell anyone what I wished for. Luckily, no one can't read it, right?

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

She flew away!

From nowhere, Amalie said she wanted to try biking without training wheels. So, that evening, she tried. On the way to the park, she rode her bike like just hanging out on a couch. She looked here and there, stopped and went, sat and listened birds, I never thought she could do it. As soon as we got to the park, Luther followed a dog, so I was talking the dog's owner for a few min. Then, there she was. Amalie just passed by me super fast without training wheels. Except I heard loud "Hee Ho Hee HO Hee HO Hee HO.......". She can't start the bike by herself, yet, but OMG! It seems crashing didn't bother her.
This is the Hee-Ho-Hee-Ho face.
I'm so proud of her. I still remember when I practiced with no-training wheels when I was five. It was a mental fight between me and me. I am still a wimp. Somehow, I have extra fear for lots of things. When I see my kids' courage, I really appreciate Ryan's blood mixed in them. Although, I don't know if it's courage, or if it's a super laid back personality.....

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Miso 4 months.

I was super scared to see this again after the moldy process, but I put all my courage into opening the closet door. Huuuu. Great! No mold, but the essence (it's called tamari) is on the surface. Since it's covered with tamari, it won't be moldy again. And, that means miso is in its healthy process. Keep up the good job, Miso!