Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bed Time


Every night, I wish it goes well and easy. It's really exhausting to put both of them down at the same time. Usually, Amalie still has tons of energy no matter how busy we were, and she is a little evil right now. She talks and sings to us through a baby monitor by holding it like a microphone. I had to threaten her to stop it tonight. On the other hand, Luther needs to be nursed and walked at least twice in a row right before he goes to a night sleep. After I put them down, I snack on a crazy amount of sweets, and then I regret it every night. However, we have a little quality time. Luther started to reacting to picture books and kid's TV.

High Bar


It was very humid and hot, so Luther couldn't sleep well. I took them to the closest park. It helped him with some trees and breeze.


It cracked me up. Here is Amalie's artwork right next to my aunts embroidery artworks.

I thought both Amalie and my mom were cute to put it up. By the way, I asked my mom to put 'hot and cold sheet' on my back last week. She peeled the cellophane, then tried to put the plastic on my skin...seriously. She asked me "Isn't this it? is it?", and still trying. After she figured out that the white pad needs to be on my skin, she said, "There are clear pads in Japan, now." Is it? She is unbelievable.


Bath Fizzies

So, I found a recipe for bath Fizzies instead of buying a four dollar ball. I used cookie cutters instead of making balls. It works pretty well.
4 TBSP baking soda
2 TBSP citric acid
1 TBSP salt
essential oil


重曹 大さじ4
クエン酸 大さじ2
塩 大さじ1


Friday, May 21, 2010

School Bus

They are on the 'school bus'. My dad is driving, and Amalie is on the way home. She whispered to us that she will sit next to her favorite boy in our neighborhood. I don't know what to think of her first crush on a boy, and I'm worried that she might annoy him. Isn't it a bit early? I didn't even realize there are boys in the world until high school.



Lunch Concert

Every 3rd Wednesday, there is a free concert at this building near my parent's house. We joined my mom and her friends for lunch. There were many good looking people in business suits. I wish I were one of them, and I had a great career with a great income to support my family. Music was okay, but Luther really loved it. According to my mom, he sang a song with her a while ago already. He really might have. He was talking and smiling throughout this concert. The only thing Amalie liked were the trees. She took this pictures.




I heard

"Grandma, how did you cook the vegetables?"

from the kitchen when I was upstairs, and then I found my mom's steamer on the kitchen floor. Amalie had put in the paper fish and hand made vegetables.




Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Medical for Kids

Since we are here for a while, I joined the government medical insurance plan for us. It is amazing. I took Amalie to a pediatrician twice so far. In my home town, all kids under 15 years old don't cost anything, including prescriptions. I didn't know, so I asked the pharmacist to use a generic medicine instead of the brand name, and people were looking at me like what the heck was I talking about. It was a little embarrassing when the pharmacist told me it won't cost us. If we were in the US, for sure I worry about the costs, and then I'd get depressed over how much we spend on medical, and then I'd give up stressing out because it's a necessary thing for lives. ah, I love this stress free / cost free system! For my 'mental health', I try not to compare things between Japan and the US, but this is wonderful. Can Lake Oswego learn how to spend money for younger lives instead of fixing already decent streets and building parks next to parks?

Bath Bombs

These are bath bombs. My cousin's wife gave them to Amalie. There are small toys when they melt away. There are so many cute things for kids. I'm leaning a lot of things from her.


I wanted to take flowers, but

I wanted to take a picture of how big the lilies are in comparison to Luther's face, but here is Amalie in the very front and center. Luther is hanging out in the very back as usual.


Great Grand Parents

We visit my grandpa and grandma's cemetery. My cousins are resting there as well. My grand parents, my aunt's family and my parents bought the land next each other. It's about 5x5. Isn't it tiny? And, this storage unit is new. The temple owner built two of the additional sheds right in front of us, although we pay pretty good amount. It's ridiculous. By the way, I thank my grand parents for sending Luther here. I really wish they could see Amalie and Luther.





Limited time only donuts on stick from Mr. Donut. About a dollar. I don't get it.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Every single thing she has and wearing is mismatched. She didn't let me see what's in her backpack and the huge bag, but she was ready for going to library!

Mother's Day


Amalie made bouquets for my mom, for me and for her and Luther for Mother's Day. My parents little garden has been destroyed by this sweet monster everyday. I couldn't do anything for my mom. The next day, we found the big lilies at the tiniest flower shop in the neighborhood while we were walking, so we bought them for us, except my mom paid for it. Besides, I was forgotten by my husband for my first mother of two day.

Bye Bye Papa

Ryan went back home. He took the Limousine bus from the hotel near my parents house as usual. Since we have skype, it's very easy to be apart, but when the bus left, Amalie wiped her tears, and my mom and I cried a little bit because of her. Amalie keeps asking why papa needs to go back to work, and she wants to live in Tokyo. Yeah, me too. Is there anyway that we can live here happily? It was a really fun and great vacation together. This trip was super special for us, because we haven't been able to celebrate any birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's day and father and mother's day for past several years. Anyhow, Ryan, thank you for taking us here, and letting us stay longer. Enjoy your own peaceful time! It won't happen for a year after we'll get back there.




Thursday, May 13, 2010


We met Ninja.




This place is the Toshogu Shrine in Nikko. It was built for the shogun that united Japan. It is really amazing, but one of the main buildings was being restored. We didn't have a lot of time to stay here, so we ran around and took pictures. We planned to go to Edo Wonderland later that day (thinking back, we wished we could have spent more time at this shrine than at Edo Wonderland.) We also had a stroller which might have been a mistake, since the walks are either stone or stairs. Other than that, it was incredible to see all the detailed wood carvings, gold leaf, lamps, and all the history. That 5 story pagoda is actually floating. There is a huge pole on the inside, and the pagoda is hanging from it, suspending it a few inches off the ground to keep it safe from earthquakes.


If you look at any guidebook for Tokyo, this temple would likely be on the first page. Senso-ji. It was packed with people. It was in golden week, which is about one week of national holidays around this time of the year. Luckily, Amalie sat on Ryan's shoulders most of the time while Luther and I were smashed by people. Sadly, someone called Ryan a 'Giant!'. I'm ashamed of those stupid Japanese idiots. Additionally, he was a grandpa holding hands with a boy who was same age with Amalie! Unbelievable!


Sumida River

What is this boat house looking structure in the middle of the city? It doesn't look like we are in Japan. Anyway, we got on the boat to go up to Asakusa which is one of the old towns near the Sumida river. This time we are doing lots of sightseeing stuff, and it's pretty fun. Amalie and Luther need to know where they belong, too. Luther is always nursing everywhere though. Here is a view of the bottom of a bridge from our boat.



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Decorated by Amalie


I thought my mom made the cake for the kid's day. However Amalie took over the decoration. We were all surprised by her unique design. Strawberries are the smiley mouth. Bananas are the eyes and cheeks. Oranges for the hair, and three strawberries for a ribbon. The small bananas in the oranges are hairpins. And, Amalie's big smile shows who thinks she made the best cake in the world.

Boy's Day and Weaning Ceremony

May 5th is the National Holiday of Children Day. It's Boy's Day as well. We also had Luther's Weaning ceremony. He is almost 100 days old, and we celebrate with a ritual of giving him food for his future and wealth. So, the first solid food he tried (licked, actually) was red snapper. He loved it! It seems like he is ready for solid food. Of course, we need to wait another a few months for it.

Luther inherited a shogun helmet (Boy's Day's decoration) from my grandma who received it as a gift. It's over 7lb! Who would give a old lady a super heavy iron helmet. It was in her storage, then brought to my parent's storage, finally it will be in our garage. My mom was really happy that Ryan took it from here. Another thing is Koi fish decoration. We went shopping for it, but I didn't want the several hundred dollars one (even as my parent's gift) or the least expensive one. It's such a waste of money. So, we got this little toy one for ten dollars. Anyway, the sales guy for one of the expensive Koi stores had the most interesting hair style. He had very straight hair around his ears and in the back, but it was super curly hair on top. When Ryan and I were laughing about it at home, my mom said "It's a wig. WIG!" , but would he put curly wig on top of straight hair to hide his baldness? I don't think it is a wig. I think he is proud of his new age hairstyle.


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Grandpa Babysit


I don't even know where this park is. My dad biked there with Amalie while Ryan and I went shopping for a few hours.




This is the super express bullet train. Ryan took kids on to the train for pictures while the train stops for less than two min. Look at Amalie's scared face. She knows if we ride them, it's not easy to come back. Especially this one. It would be two hours away from Tokyo, and cost hundreds of dollars.

Swan Boat





It was too bad there is no more Panda at Ueno Zoo. I still remember that the first time I saw the Panda there. It was a crazily busy day, so they separate the kids line from the adult line. Among those millions of people, I freaked out, and cried though the line, so I didn't even see a bit of Panda. And, my mom was super upset at me. Anyway, fake pandas are still here.

