Monday, May 17, 2010

Bye Bye Papa

Ryan went back home. He took the Limousine bus from the hotel near my parents house as usual. Since we have skype, it's very easy to be apart, but when the bus left, Amalie wiped her tears, and my mom and I cried a little bit because of her. Amalie keeps asking why papa needs to go back to work, and she wants to live in Tokyo. Yeah, me too. Is there anyway that we can live here happily? It was a really fun and great vacation together. This trip was super special for us, because we haven't been able to celebrate any birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's day and father and mother's day for past several years. Anyhow, Ryan, thank you for taking us here, and letting us stay longer. Enjoy your own peaceful time! It won't happen for a year after we'll get back there.




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