Saturday, March 19, 2011


地震、余震、津波、原発について色々な情報があり、日本に家族や友人がいる私も不安に過ごしています。アメリカで暮らしている私がおせっかいにも動揺しているのに、日本にいる人達は、もっともっと不安な気持ちでいらっしゃると思います。そんな気の弱い私のメッセージの返信に、かれこれ13年来髪を切ってくださっているヘアスタイリストさん {大田区池上にあるqualia offbeat (クオリアオフビート)} が、こんな事をかいてくださいました。ご本人の許可を頂いたので、転載します。

と。 お友達も、



There is tons of information and gossip about what's going on in Japan. I have all my family and friends in Tokyo, and I've been nervous about whether or not we have been told the whole truth. However, I received a strong message from my hair stylist. He said,
"Everybody is nervous. Although there are inconveniences, such as a rolling blackouts, we still can sleep in warm beds, and there is still laughter. The Tsunami survivors are in the depths of sadness, but they will for sure rise up. Japan is not wimpy. Japan is a tiny island, but we are as strong as bigger countries after tragedies like World Wars, the earthquake in Kobe, and so on. Japan is awesome!"
My friend also said,

"I'm scared, but if we stop working in Tokyo, Japan won't function. I'll stay, and work."

I'm super proud of everyone who is living everyday lives there. That's all we really should do. Of course, in a worst case scenario, they must run, and survive, but for now, we root; "GO! GO! JAPAN!"

So, I made belated St. Patrick's brazed corned beef. It made everyone happier. I can't believe how much Amalie and Luther ate. This is something I can do to make my family smile.

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