Saturday, June 30, 2012




If you are not familiar with Japanese food, this might sound gross to you.  We eat soy beans a lot.  Two major seasonings are made with soy; soy sauce and miso.  Kinako is roasted soy bean powder, and it's eaten with Japanese sweets.  These pictures below are Natto.  It's fermented soy beans with Natto culture.  Soy already has tons of nutrition such as protein, fiber, isoflavones, which acts similar to female hormones, etc. And, when soy becomes Natto, it cleans bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.  The only (and huge) down side is the smell.  It STINKS.  I love Natto, but I still have to change the air in the house after I open it.  It taste good, but smells.

For all these years I've lived in the US, I've been making a trip to the Japanese market, which is not really convenient for us.  So, I tried to make one, and it worked!

First, I roasted half of the beans.  They were soaked for a whole day, and cooked until soft.  After draining water while it's still steaming hot, mix a table spoon full of Natto from a package.  Then, keep it pretty warm (I heard yogurt maker works well) for 24 hours.  Natto is breathing, so the covering needs to be a little loose.

After 24 hours.  The whitish coating is Natto culture.


And, I tried to make Natto with black beans.
After 24 hours.  I see the culture on the surface.



It worked!  My purpose for eating soy is isoflavones, but I loved this much better.  Taste good.

And, I had to dig in my pantry for different beans.  There were little chick peas.  It worked, too.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Garage Sale.

I've been craving throwing most things away, so we can empty out our little house.  Craigslist really helps get rid of bigger items, but still we have so much stuff.  We've been planning on having a garage sale for a while, but things always came up.  Last Sunday after church, I couldn't hold off any more.  We just started bringing stuff out to our driveway.  It was a wrong decision after a bad weather weekend.  All we "sold" were used kids shoes, which were actually FREE. At least, we had a nice family time in our front yard.  That counts, right?

Amalie loves taking pictures.  She was taking flowers, the sky, things and us.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I love fruits.




Saturday, June 23, 2012

Endless cleaning.

Look at this.  All the toys are out.  It happens in just five minutes after I clean.  At least, they are not fighting.


And, this.  All pillows, sheets and blankets are out.  They are such good friends, even though Luther was refusing to get a diaper change due to a stinky #2.  How can Amalie read a book next to him?! (She is reading books from my husband's childhood.)


I wish I'm the one napping.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Watermelon rind.


Did you know you can eat watermelon rind?  I didn't.  I was just looking at this melon bowl after digging out the inside.  I almost put it in the compost pile, but thought about searching for a recipe, if there is one.  And, there are tons! 

I scraped off most of the red part, which became a surprisingly good watermelon smoothie.
Then, I peeled off the real hard green part, and the soft green part became a salad.  I first mixed with salt, and I squeezed some water out, then mixed with some vinegar.  It is hard to believe, tasted great.  Watermelon rind is a an edible green!  Happy discovery.

緑の部分は皮をむいて細い千切りに。お塩でもんで、水気をぎゅっと絞って、 お酢と塩昆布であえて見ました。ほんのり甘いので、そのまま甘酢と塩昆布和えになりました。半信半疑で食べてみたら、おいしかった。りっぱな野菜だな。なんだか、嬉しい発見でした。

Rolled cake with Honeydew and Cantaloupe.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Strawberries. Raspberries.





Monday, June 18, 2012

63° Raining.

63° and raining.  I was shivering at the pool side watching kids.  This week, we have summer camp in the morning, then swimming lessons in the evening.  I may have to take 5 hour energy to make it through this week.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Roses! Roses! Roses!


Roses are blooming in my garden.  I never touched soil before we bought this house, and this house was standing in a completely abandoned field of tall weeds.  Over the past nine years, we had to learn everything from the beginning, and now we finally have a garden.  I wish I had more time to spend there, but my priorities are now endless household choirs and raising two monsters.  So, I started planting either perennials, bulbs or native plants.  Roses meet those criteria.  Portland is called the 'Rose city'.  I don't do anything special, except I add tons of compost and mulch in the early spring.  We are lucky to get some rose arrangements out of our very own garden.








          Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gourmet hamburger dinner.

This gourmet hamburger dinner was for Amalie's graduation from kindergarten.  I think what the kids and Ryan really want is junky fast food hamburgers, fries and ice cream cones from the local ice cream stand.  I'm sorry you guys.  It's not happening.  Tonight's dinner was hamburgers from a block of good, lean beef which I ground by hand; cheddar cheese; grilled onions, garlic and mushrooms; tomatoes; pickles and Romain lettuce on top of a homemade bun made from scratch.  The fries were oven baked with only a tablespoon of olive oil, coated with sea salt and rice flour.  I made carrot, cucumber and celery pickles for a side dish. The strawberries were from our garden.  It was soooo good.  What's so great about this is it's much less guilty feeling eating hamburger and fries.  Although, I love Fuddruckers...




こっちもボケボケですが、 さすが男の子。小指たってますけど。

I'm so proud of her.  A year ago, she couldn't even read or write, add or subtract numbers, and she was super shy about talking with people.  Today, she read her "what I want to be when I grow up" composition in front of her classmates and their parents.  She made tons of friends, and her teacher even told us she has great dance moves. Although I want her to forever be my baby, she is growing.   WOW!  Congratulations, Amalie!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Pop-up cards with kids.


I can't believe the school year is already ending now.  I thought it just started.  It was time to get thank you cards ready, so we made pop-up cards.  I helped with cutting out the shapes and making the structure, then Amalie finished the rest. 

The flower card for her teacher.

This was for the bus driver.


This cup cake card was for her friend's birthday party.  It was a 'no gift, please' invitation, but we attached the card and a hand towel wrapped like a cup cake.  Now, I think back, I hope it was not too small of a gift.  Can someone tell me what is the etiquette for attending a 'no gift, please' party?


I'll only put pictures of how we made the school bus card.  Amalie asked me to make it all, and she wanted to be the cameraman for my how-to blog. 



 The front cover.