Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring cleaning, spring break.

Seven years old - figuring out money is not a toy, money is really money.  It is worth a lot.  So, I thought it is a good time to teach Amalie that she can earn money if she works, and she can buy something nice with what she earned.  So, we sat down together to price her work.   


It is really nice.  She does all her chores, and 'study Japanese WITHOUT asking', then she cleans our house everyday!  Unbelievable!  Of course, I have to coach her how to, but I don't mind.  She gets in this cleaning bossy mode towards Luther, and he somehow obeys her well.  We are a good team.

なんて事でしょうか。あの、だらしないアマリちゃんのお部屋が毎日とってもきれい。思わず二度見してしまいます。増してや、自分から進んで、日本語のお勉強を本気でしています。終わると、ルーサーを従えてもくもくとお仕事に取り掛かります。もちろん、教えてあげたりぞうきんを洗ったり、 私も付きっ切りなのですけどね。なんだか、ちょっと調子が狂ってしまいます^^

Luther does pretty good job, too.  Although he decided to wear his jacket on top of his pj and fleece pants.  He even took a nap in it :)


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