Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bay window bench.

This house was built in 1952 with just one bedroom and a kitchen, then the previous owner added 2 bedrooms in the back of the house, and we added a second floor with another 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a garage.  The original bedroom and living room became our living and dining room.  One thing we still can't figure out is what to do with this small skinny room.  Where should the couch and chairs go, where can we possibly have a full dining area?  For nine years, we struggled moving our furniture around, sit and stood and thought about it, and we came up this small solution.  Make the bay window into another seating area, and get rid of one of the sofas. 


Now, it begins.  No more going back.


There was a quite a lot of storage under there.  The lid is gone.



Uh, oh.  The wiring needs to be redone.  Back when someone else before us added this bay window, there must not have been a city inspection.


With crazy dust and the noise of power tools, the bay window is lowered.


Rebuilt.  The back wall is covered with wainscoting. 


Add some trim. This step needs to be done as perfect as possible.  I think if the frames look great, everything looks clean. 


All gaps and nail holes need to be filled with wood putty.  I use a painter's knife to do this job.  After it is dry, I use a wet microfiber cloth to clean up.


Finally, paint job.  I used an acrylic semi-gloss ivory. 


Not bad is it?
I'll make seat cushions for it.

Friday, April 27, 2012

I miss Japanese bread.


Do you know what I really miss about living away from Japan?  Bread!  What I miss most is bread and pastries from Japanese bakeries.  The bread is very moist, sweet and soft.  For 15 years, I searched bakery after bakery to find something similar.  I even bought a Cuisinart bread machine, and I tried all kinds of recipes, but none of them were even close.  However, finally, here it is.  After the Cuisinart bread machine broke down, we invested in a little nicer one by Panasonic.  I found the Japanese recipe online.  I had to adjust a few things for this climate; but now, I can make different types of Japanese bread. 

Our basic white bread for toast.  Ryan uses this for his daily sandwich.

Just baked.  It's still warm.  So soft. 
Can he breath?  He ate two pieces of inch thick bread.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tangelo jam.


タンジェロの皮 3つ分
オレンジ果汁 1つ分
 砂糖 170cc
  1. タンジェロの皮の白い部分を取り除き、オレンジの部分だけをベーキングソーダひとつまみが入ったお鍋にお水から入れて、沸騰したらすぐにざるにあげて優しく洗う。
  2. 一晩、水につけておく。
  3.  水を切って、オレンジの果汁とお砂糖を加えて、30分コトコト煮る。
タンジェロって知ってますか?タンジェリンと ボンタンのあいの子なんですって。皮にナイフを入れたとたんに、ものすごく良い香りが広がって、味はジューシーでオレンジよりもみかんよりも濃厚なタンジェリン。実はもちろん食べ尽くしてしまったので、皮だけでも、お砂糖漬けにしようか、マーマレードにしようか考えていたのに、夜、早く休みたい衝動に負けてしまいました。雑にみじん切りにして、皮がメインのジャムに。でも、おいしいー!今まで食べたジャムの中で一番おいしいかも。
If you see tangelo at a grocery store, you might want to try it.  It's super fragrant, juicy, and way better than oranges or mandarins.  The peel smelled so, so, so nice.  I wondered if I can make marmalade or sugared peel.  It was late at night, I was too tired to do anything delicate, so I just chopped the peels up, and I made a jam instead of marmalade.  Actually, it is the most delicious jam I've ever ate.  

the peel from 3 tangelos
juice from 1 orange
3/4c sugar
  1. Remove the rind (white parts) from the peels.  Put a pinch of baking soda, orange parts of the peels into a pot, and then cover with water.  Bring to a boil.  As soon as it boils, drain and wash gently.
  2. Soak in cold water overnight.
  3. In a stainless pot, put peels, orange juice and sugar.  Cook about 30 min.
  4. Let cool, then put in a jar.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer chores and the beach walk.

Summer came here for just a few days during the weekend.  As soon as the sun comes out, it seems like the population peaks.  While driving, I need to pay extra attention to those people trying to soak up the sunshine.  Us?  Yes, we hurried to eat lunch on Saturday, then Ryan got on a ladder, and he washed all our windows and screens.  I planted and moved flowers, and I washed kids' sneakers.  On Sunday, right after church, we headed out to the beach.  Monday, I even woke up with sunshine, and I opened all the windows.  After my daily run, I took care of the weekend mess, then I walked to school to pick Amalie up, and I let the kids play at the park for a while on the way home.  After lunch, I mowed our super long grass, washed our picnic basket and some of my sandals outside.  At 5:00, I thought I was going to pass out from heat exhaustion.  I forgot that I just had pneumonia.  I couldn't breathe, so I jumped into a cool shower.  The days are going back to rain and cool again.  It was literally two and a half days of summer, and I'm exhausted!
Well, this is not a DIY blog post at all, is it?  Here are more photos from beach, which are pretty funny, I thought.


I always enjoy a power walk on the beach by myself.  This time, Amalie wanted to walk with me.


She found this log.  She stopped moving.  She sat there.  I stood there thinking, "I need to work out!"

What is she doing?

She started walking back with the huge log.

Is she serious?  I want to power walk!

"Ladybug.  Mama, take a picture!"  
"I want a fast walk!"


"Look.  Bridge.  Take a picture!"
"Ok, let's go, Miss A!"

She is tired from dragging the log, so she is pushing.

Now, she can't even move, but she is still not giving up.

Here is Papa to the rescue.  (he was shirtless to get a tan)
This is what she wanted to do.  Sit with Mr. L.

Look at how tired she is.  She probably dragged the log for a good mile.  Good job!

もちろん我が家も、お昼ご飯をかきこみ外へレッツゴー。夫は家中の窓と網戸を洗い、私はお花を植えたり、植え替えたり、子供達の靴を洗ったりして、夜ごはんは次の日の分も用意。日曜日は、朝の教会の後、海へしゅっぱーつ。くたくたになるまで遊んで、おうちごはん。外食もいいけど、やっぱり普段のごはんがホッとできます。帰りが遅くても、子供をお風呂に入れてもらってる間に、温め直したりして、子供達は食べたらすぐにベッドに入れるし。月曜日は、天気予報 によると最後の快晴。朝から気合をいれて、いつものジョギング。家の片付けと掃除。アマリを学校まで歩いて迎えに行って、帰りに公園で遊んで、ランチの後はピクニックバスケットやら何やらをゴシゴシ洗い、芝生を刈って、お庭も掃除。そしたら急に、息が苦しいー。頭も痛いー。暑過ぎて倒れそう に。急いで家に駆け込み冷たいシャワーを浴びました。たった3日の青空、欲張り過ぎたみたいです。肺炎が治ったばかりなのもすっかり忘れてました。あはは。

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Apple blossoms.

Apple flowers are blooming.  It's the first time in 5 years, since we had to do some extreme trimming of our huge apple tree for the house construction.  We've been watching those tiny shoots from the remaining trunk getting bigger and bigger to reform a tree again.  Finally, these cute flowers showed up.  How strong! This tree must be at least 50 years old (same age as the house).  I want to live like this tree.  I wonder if we get fruit this year?!  If so, do we need to spray now?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Barber MAMA.

It the warm evening right before his shower time, the barbershop mama opens for a little while in our back yard.  The customer can ride a tricycle, a bicycle, play with sand toys, step into a garden, and pick flowers.  This particular customer did pretty good.  Of course, mama needed to be super careful with a pair of sharp scissors, and ultra fast to finish it up.

まだまだ暖房は手放せないけど、少しずつ暖かくなってきました。ほんの子一時間だけど、暑いくらい気持ちのいい夕方に、Barber MAMAがオープンします。お客様が自転車や三輪車に乗ったり、おもちゃで遊んだり、花壇を踏みつけたり、お花をもぎ取ったりしている間に、ママがチョッキン、チョッキン。はさみを持っているので厳重に注意しながら、でも手早く。

Back shot.  It is a little better? 

Yeah, you are a handsome boy, especially with a baby body, diaper and pink sandals!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Perler Beads.



11th Anniversary.  We didn't do anything special, but Amalie made these surprises.  WOW! She is old enough to celebrate us.
She asked me to iron the frame a week ago.  I thought she was making a TV:)
Perler beads are so cool.  While Amalie was working on the frame, I was trying to make sure Luther didn't dump all the beads.  He wanted me to make Thomas, and once I started making it, I couldn't stop.
It's fun! 

He wanted his own jewelry.  Here it is.  I put a string through Elmo's baseball cap.  He had it on for a day and a night for a while (we take it off when he sleeps).


Friday, April 13, 2012

Lunch for kids.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Grape Hyacinth.


Flower arrangement by Amalie.  My talented 6 years old daughter.
They really smells like grapes.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Easter 2012.


Our Easter started on Saturday with egg hunting at the Hunt club.  Ryan took the kids, so I decided to get our eggs ready.   After all the eggs were filled with little candies, I checked the weather forecast for Sunday just in case.  It said 'all day showers'.  So, I ran outside to spread the eggs a day early and fix lunch for a backyard picnic.


 Isn't this Easter bunny a little creepy?  Is it just me?

at the barn.


As soon as the car pulled into our driveway, the kids found more eggs to hunt.  I bet it's really fun like treasure hunting.  However, look at Luther.  He discovered eggs have something inside for the first time.  For sure, it's serious business.
"Tangy!  Mama, tandy!"  ("Candy, Mama, candy!")


That was just the beginning.  He broke eggs, peeled the wrapper, then he threw it into his mouth.


One after another.


He can't even move his mouth.  It's too full, and too sticky.  Holy moly...


Luther is satisfied with candies.  Amalie is satisfied with the fact that the Easter bunny came to our house again this year.


We ate lunch on our new patio in the backyard.  It was only an omelet with last night's leftovers, salad and rolls, but it was just perfect.  Sun, flowers, kids and no more wobbly table or chairs.


In the afternoon, Amalie and I dyed eggs.  To empty the eggs, make small holes on the top and bottom of the eggs, and then break the egg yolks with a toothpick, then blow out all the yolks and whites.   I started collecting these a while ago.


Amalie made one for Luther.  Of course, a Thomas the Tank Engine.  

:::Happy Easter!:::

Well, the weather forecast must of changed.  It was really nice on Sunday.  
This picture was taken after church in the morning.  It's a rare one of me with kids, since I am the one always holding the camera.