Tuesday, October 30, 2012



On Sunday afternoon, finally, our jack-o-lanterns got carved.  Amalie designed her own witch, and of course, Luther's request was Thomas the Tank Engine.


Curious inside?  
It's usually my job to carve the pumpkins, but this year, my fingers are too numb to handle anything sharp.  Instead of me, my husband sat at the corner of the kitchen for over two hours with all kinds of tools to make these amazing lanterns.


Right now, Portland is raining and wet as usual.  I wish it would be SUNNY tomorrow!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chestnut, again.






Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Crabapple arrival.

Last week, I found this amazing crabapple tree on the curb at Lowes for super cheap after the gardening season ended.  I couldn't pass it up.  With the cashier's huge help, the big tree fit into my small car, but you can imagine how hard it was to take the big root ball out of this window.  My mom and I tried everything to lift, hold and move it out.  I had a cold sweat at the end.

先日、血液検査の帰りにフラリと思い立ってこんな買い物をしてしまいました。クラブアップルの木です。葉は赤くて、花はピンク、秋にはこんな小さな実がつく種類です。店員さんに手伝ってもらって、やっとこさ車に詰め込んでもらったのはいいけど、降ろすのにも母と二人掛かりで、それはそれは大変でした。シーズン終わりのクリアランスで見逃せないお値段だったので…。最後は冷や汗で鉢を支え、とても闘病中とは思えない行動をとってしまいました。でも、楽しかった。これも元気の元(^ ^)。

On the weekend, my big and tall husband worked hard planting the new tree, and then move another tree. It was a beautiful sunny day in the beginning…


We got a storm…


The crabapple was planted a little left of center, the weeping cherry moved back closer to the house. The crabapple grows to 20 feet.  I can't wait for our future curb appeal.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.5 おまもり。

今日から入院して3度目の抗がん剤治療です。ガンが進んでいたことと、治りにくい腫瘍マーカーが入ってたのが理由でとても強い薬を使っていて、始まって30分ぐらいですっかり病人になってしまう自分が嫌だな、と思いつつブログを書いています。あ、でも今朝は7階の病室からコートを着込んで変装して1階にあるスターバックスまで脱走してきちゃいました。カフェでは、入院患者には売ってくれないのですよ。それから、 一度管につながれたらここのユニットからは出られないので。たったの5日間ですけど、大奥の様ですね。


I checked myself in for the 3rd round of chemo today.  After about 30 minutes of the medicine coming into my body, I went from feeling like an almost decently independent person to a sick person, and I don't like it.  However, before that started, while I was waiting in my room by myself about three hours, I ran out of this 7th floor room to the Starbucks on the first floor, while hiding all traces of being an inpatient.  I even put my coat on.  Once, I get hooked up to the chemo, I can't go out of this foor's double doors for 5 days.  So, it was fun.

These are my little protectors.  My cousin's little girls gave them to me.  The acorn is originally her good health protection, so when I become cancer free, I'll return it to her.  It should be a more powerful healer by then.  The angel is paired with a pink one that Amalie has on her coat.  They are my sweethearts.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin patch.

Halloween is almost around the corner.  I thought it just came.  Already?!
My blood counts (immune system test) were good enough, so we took a short trip to the local pumpkin patch.  It was in between raining, and we got lucky with a sunny sunset.  I love pumpkins, orange, Halloween and Trick or Treat, but to tell you the truth, I don't really get this animal petting thing, which is part of this pumpkin patch.  Turkeys were walking free, and I was super frightened they might chase or poke me.  I guess it doesn't matter.  The kids loved it.




Miso 2012. -6months-

今年もお味噌作っています。去年作ったお味噌 〈リンクはこちら〉がとってもおいしくて、これからも毎年作っていく事になりそうです。


Thursday, October 18, 2012


Amalie was in her closet for at least 30 min.  Then, she shot out screaming "Hi~hihihi, Surprise!".  She was wearing tons of clothes.


Then, she started to take her clothes off.  She had a yukata (summer kimono) on.


It was not done, yet.  There was a leotard layer on top of pink pants.  She even went to bed with these.


Luther's hair gets styled during his bath.  I'm pretty sure it's just my husband who is enjoying it.


There is tons of laughter everyday.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sun after rain.


It was pouring rain this morning when Amalie left for school.  Then, before noon, a brilliant sun came out. I loved it!  This spiderweb is a perfect site for upcoming Halloween.

今は、おあずけのガーデニング。これは、母の手を借りてというより、私が注文しながら母に作ってもらいました。たくさん増えた多肉植物〈hen and chicks〉をハンギングバスケットの周りに植えつけました。春になったら、緑のバスケットにジェラニウムを植える予定です。

What I miss the most is gardening.  Since I can't do it, I asked my mom to do all this time consuming work.  She poked the roots of baby hen and chicks into these hanging baskets.  By the spring, it should be greener, and I'll plant some geranium.  


Look at this spooky rosemary.  It was on the edge of our retaining wall, and it was in the way of our car.  I asked my mom to pot it.  Is there any way to trim it nicely?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Weekend morning projects.


My favorite is Saturday morning.  We eat a little special breakfast, and the kids play in PJ's for a while.  Yesterday, Amalie helped Luther with craft projects.  They made elephants.  Luther is wearing a mask, which Amalie made.  It's a robot.  Where are his eyes, though.


However, there was an incident.  Can you tell?  Luther is taping his socks.


He cut his socks while he was cutting up paper. Oh NO!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tofu cheesecake.

クリームチーズ 300g
砂糖 60g (大さじ4)
卵黄 3個分
お豆腐 (森乳のお豆腐を使用) 200
レモンの皮とジュース 半分
ドライクランベリー 約半カップ
塩 少々
薄力粉 大さじ3
卵白 3個分
砂糖 30g (大さじ2)

  1. クリームチーズは室温に戻すか、レンジで加熱してやわらかくする。
  2. オーブンを170度に予熱する。
  3. ドライクランベリーをお湯少々につけてやわらかくする。やわらかくなったら水分を切る。
  4. クリームチーズに砂糖を加えてよく混ぜ、卵黄を加えてさらによく混ぜる。水切りしたお豆腐、レモンの皮(すりおろす)、レモン汁、クランベリー、塩少々を入れて、滑らかになるまでしっかり混ぜる。
  5. 卵白を少し泡立てて砂糖大さじ2を加えて混ぜ、ツノがたつまでしっかりと泡立てる。
  6. 泡立てた卵白の1/4を4に混ぜる。
  7. 6を残りの泡立てた卵白にさっくりと混ぜる。混ぜ過ぎないように。
  8. ふるった薄力粉を切るように加えて混ぜる。 混ぜ過ぎないように。あわあわがまだ、残っていて大丈夫。
  9. 表面をそっとならし、170度に予熱しておいたオーブンで約60分焼く。 

I think most cancer patients loose their weight and appetite.  Not me.  I still love food and eating.  Yet, I need to keep my body high in alkaline, so sugar, wheat, fat, and all the yummy things are not good for me.  Yesterday afternoon, I really craved another cheesecake, so here is a healthier cheesecake recipe with tofu, which just happened to be mouth watering gooood. Just letting you know, I just made up this out of no where without precise measurements... I am writing the recipe with my Chemo brain memory:)


1 and 1/4 cup cream cheese
4TBS sugar
3 egg yolks
about 7/8 c  tofu- drained (I use Morinu tofu http://www.morinu.com/)
1/3 lemon - juice and graded peels
less than 1/2c dried cranberries
pinch of salt
3TBS flour

for meringue
3 egg whites
2TBS sugar

  1. Soften cream cheese.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  3. Soak the dried cranberries in enough hot water to cover, and then drain when they are soft.
  4. In a bowl, add sugar and egg yolks.  Mix well. Add drained tofu, lemon peels, lemon juice, cranberries and salt.   Mix very well until smooth.
  5. Whip egg whites a little bit.  Add 2TBS of sugar, then whip until peaks form.
  6. Mix 1/4 of the meringue into the cream cheese mixture. Use a rubber spatula.
  7. Fold the cream cheese mixture back into rest of meringue.  Use a rubber spatula, and mix just enough to combine the whole thing together. 
  8. Fold in the sifted flour.  Don't over mix.  If you still see bits of meringue, it's okay.
  9. Pour into a pan, smooth out the surface, and then bake an hour.

Thursday, October 11, 2012



ここからは、私事なのですが・・・幼い頃、父の仕事の都合で東京から離れていたので、その街の幼馴染みからのお手紙に懐かしいやら、嬉しいやら、とにかく驚きました。どのくらい驚いたかと言うと、「なんだろう」と開けてみて、またすぐには開けなかった位。 とても気が弱くて、引っ込み思案の私を覚えていてくださって、それもまた驚きだったりして・・・。本当はこの本に添えてくださった皆様全員に返信したいのですけど、あまりにもたくさんなので、ここでお礼に代えさせていただきます。本当に、本当に、ありがとうございました。言葉では伝えられないほど、感動したり、おひとり、おひとりのメッセージをとても楽しく読ませていただいています。 いつか、また会いたいな。目標がまたひとつできました。

とってもアナログな私にはどう触っていいのやら、使い始めて3日目の今日もまだ赤ちゃんを抱っこしているような、そんな感覚です。でも、便利!今までヨレヨレしながらラップトップを持ち運んでいたのがうそのようです。 こんな粋な贈り物に大感謝です。ありがとう。

When I got home from my second round of Chemo, I had two surprises.  

The first one is a scrapbook of messages and pictures from all my friends in Japan.  My extremely caring and very well organized friend somehow made this.  I can't even imagine how many phone calls she made, and how many hours she spent on this.  This booklet gave me another hope, and it sure made me think I need to see all of them again.  Thank you, Yuri! 

The second surprise was an iPad!  It's from my husband's family.  How clever this gift is to me right now.  However, I don't know if you know I am very analog person.  I don't even have a smart phone or iPod, our TV is not a flat screen, yet, my car doesn't have a navigation system, and I can't even text message well enough.  SO, here is iPad in front of me.  It's been three days with this high-tech machine.  I am still holding it like a newborn baby, and I am trying to get used to the touch screen.  Thank you everyone!  I'm really excited to bring this everywhere I go. 

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Mama's nail salon.


It's usually Amalie asking me to paint her nails, but this day, I found Luther's toenails were red after his nap.  He used a marker to paint them.

He said "I want like mama~."


I did.  When I was painting his toenails baby blue, Amalie ran back inside from our garden to join us.  Amalie wanted pink on her fingers, and for her toes she wanted orange polish with some black stickers for Halloween.  Of course, Luther had to have some pretty bunny stickers on his toenails as well.  I know my husband would not appreciate having a son with nail polish.  In fact, he asked me, "Is it okay to go to Sunday school with it?"  It is fine.  I thinks it is cool that Luther cares about his appearance already.  Plus, I was pretty impressed that he could sit still until the nail polish was dry!


Too happy.  He was proud of his nails all day.  Be a handsome boy, Luther!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Supposed to be New York Cheese Cake.

For my husband, who is running 100 mph being a full-time business man, full-time father, full-time caregiver to me, I really wanted to make a New York Cheese cake, which is his favorite.  It didn't crack, it raised, and it's beautiful, but...

Holy Shmokey!   I thought it cooled down enough to take the cake out of the pan, but obviously it didn't.  Since it was over 5 inches high, the inside was still pretty warm even after 5 hours of sitting on the counter.  Next time, I will wait over night in the refridge!  It was super delicious, though.  Yes, I had some even though I am not supposed to be eating any of the ingredients, since I am fighting cancer, I couldn't resist slivers after dinners.


Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.4 Shaving Party.

My hair held up longer than my Dr. said.  On the 17th day after my first Chemo, I noticed a little hair fall out through my fingers.  In my heart, I don't care about hair at all, but seeing a massive amount of hair on the floor after the shower freaked me out.  So, we had a shaving party.  I am bummed, because I just got my favorite hair style from my favorite hair stylist in Japan a month ago, but it had to go.


Just in case my hair doesn't come back, I kept a couple of samples to use as a reference for a wig.  

Then, the party begins.


Luther had to use his own scissors.  And, he just chopped chunks of hair off.  It hurts!  I was so scared if he might cut my skin.  On the other hand, Amalie was super serious like a real hair stylist.  In fact, she thought she was finishing up. 


The first clippers on my head.  Scary-.


Of course, I needed him to finish up.


I am shaved.  It's a mixed feeling.  I was happy that the kids were involved, so they don't get shocked, but my beautiful haircut is gone. This another step for me to recognize that I am a cancer patient.   uuuuu......
