Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oven baked plastic charms.




Do you know this plastic board?  We can draw something with permanent markers, cut it into shapes, and then bake it in a toaster oven.  

Voila!  It shrinks to a quarter of the size, but it thickens by about an eighth of an inch.  

discovered this at a local stationary store when I was about 10 years old; it was sensational.  I made charms, gold medals, jewelry, etc.  I thought it was completely gone from the market, because maybe it is toxic or something, but we found it again when Amalie was shopping with her Tooth Fairy money.  Of course, she spent a dollar for this after I sort of explained it to her.  I wish I can tell you how excited she was for the whole process.

1 comment:

Sunderlages said...

shrinky dinks!

WE had them too!