Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mama's knit for Christmas.


I usually make at least one gift for the kids for Christmas.  This year, they got sweaters.  Luther is growing too fast, so you can tell his sweater is a bit big for now.  And, ignore the flower hairpin on his head.  He didn't wanted any photo shoot without it.  With it, he made that handsome, angel smile.  Without it?  holy....crazy.



Of course, Amalie requested a piggy on her tunic.


On the back of Luther's sweater, he asked for a teddy bear, surprisingly, not Thomas the Train.  The characters are embroidered on the sweaters.   I designed them on graph paper first, and then I embroidering them, which was easier than I thought. 



Amalie has been wearing this tunic everyday after Christmas.  I was kind of was shocked to see she was wearing again today, but really, I'm so glad that I made it.
And, she got this purse as well.  She chose the design and the color from a cute knitting book.  I love navy.


My mom sewed a liner inside.  It used to be my old shirt which was in the closet for years.  By adding a liner, it became more sturdy.  Oh, I can't forget the tag with lots of love:)


Wreath for the New Year.

Traditionally, we need to put up decorations for New Year by Dec. 28th in Japan.  I made a wreath for our front door to bring us a happy and healthy year.  By the way, I am allowed to go outside now.  It was so nice to walk through our garden.


材料は、凍えて咲いていたローズ、シダ、セージ、もみの木、バラフライブッシュの葉っぱ、赤い木の実、リンゴの小枝。これでできるかな? あ、昆布と和紙も。

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Santa cookies and Buche de Noel.

I hope you had a special day on Christmas.  I had a really nice and homey one; although it would have been nice if we could go get hot coco at a local coffee shop, or a little walk to the park.  I am trapped inside the house, since my last chemo my blood counts are too low again.  I can't even see anyone except my family.  My family needs to take a shower and change their clothes as soon as they come home before seeing me.  Oh, I miss the outside world.

Well, going back to Christmas day, the kids were super awake as soon as their eye were open.  They ran to check the Santa plate.  Yes, Santa and Rudolf ate the cookies we made.


それはさておき、 クリスマスの朝、子供達は目が覚めた瞬間から大興奮。サンタさんが来たかどうか気になって仕方がないんですから。すぐに、サンタさんのおもてなしクッキーのお皿をチェック。今年も食べていってくれましたよー。

Santa brought tons of gifts, too.  Our kids' cheeks almost popped out when they found the things they asked for.  On the Christmas Eve, Amalie even made this special gift bag for Santa to use for her. 


We made a Christmas cake.  In fact, I made bunch of mistakes on this one.  I added cream cheese in both the sponge cake and the whipping cream, the cake became heavy, and the cream became to soft to roll.  In addition, I forgot to add coco powder to the cake, so instead of a brown cake, we had a white one...What is going on with me?


Buche de Noel - orange cheese sponge cake and cheese cream with raspberry filling.  The cookies are from Amalie's friends in Japan.  Aren't they perfect?


Monday, December 24, 2012


Merry Merry Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wreath rolls.

I added green tea and beets to my usual dinner roll recipe, and it became Christmas wreaths.  It takes twice as much time since I need to make two different batches of bread dough, but the wreaths turned out so cute.  Perfect for little gifts with Christmas cards to hand out to friends or for dinner parties.  I made smaller ones, so the kids really enjoyed the whole wreaths on their dinner plates tonight.



Letter from Santa.

Are you all ready?  Santa Claus is getting the final touches ready for Christmas.  This letter from him is written on hand-ripped rice paper, and the edges are dipped into tea. 


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gingerbread house.


The first day of winter break, the kids made a gingerbread house.  I love doing this kind of thing, so every year, we enjoy baking our own houses, but this year, Trader Joe's had this really cute one for only $8.  This kit has everything, even a pastry bag.  The only thing we needed was an egg white.  It is already on my shopping list for years to come.


The kids were so serious.  Although I really wanted to help, this one is for the kids, right?!


I can't tell you how happy I was when they asked for help at the end.  And, all done!  

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Plum comport.



Sunday, December 16, 2012

Letter to Santa.

My daughter is asking for a lot this year...

Dear Santa Claus,

I want a Santa Claus hat that the white part of the hat could be pink and the top of the hat could be a bell.  Next I want Legos.  Last, I want a Candy Land DVD.  I also want a candy cane ornament.  I want a pink fijit and glowing foam.

Thank you,
From Amalie

Dear サンタクロース、




Friday, December 14, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.9 - remission-



This is the view from my hospital window.  Isn't it beautiful?  I just came back yesterday for the 5th round.  I have one more to go after this.  The day before I came in, we heard some very encouraging news.  I had a PET Scan last week, and the results show I am in remission - no current signs of cancer! Remission doesn't mean completely cured for sure, but we are obviously very happy with the news. We can’t believe it.

Even though the news is good, we are trying not to get too excited, because we are still fully aware that my strain of cancer can be particularly stubborn.  There is the possibility that it could return at some point.  I have to be closely monitored for at least the next 2-5 years.

Thanks again for your help and support.  I really appreciate that I am treated with the most advanced medicine and with the best doctor and nurses.  I can't give enough thanks to those who support us financially, make meals, take care of the kids, give me rides when I can't drive, and pray everyday for us.....everyone who is around us.  Thank you all! I wouldn't be here without your caring.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas in our house.


Our Christmas tree is here.  We originally were thinking to get a Noble Fir, then Ryan researched a few farms in the country side, but first we stopped by this farm had a sign of " Any Tree $5".  Once we were out of our car, the kids were running, and Ryan was off to find his tree.  Then, when the tree was on top of our car, I just realized this isn't a Noble Fir...It was too late.  We got the wrong tree.  Well, I guess it was really only five dollars!


When I came downstairs in the next morning, once again I thought it is wrong!  I grabbed gardening clippers, and then I trimmed the tree aggressively.  I guess, it turned out great with lights and ornaments.  Anyway, this Douglas Fir smells really good in our house.  I kind of  like it.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012



Amalie made a 'toilet, pee and poo with origami for her brother who is in toilet training.


And, yesterday, after a half year of training, he went to the bathroom to go #2 by himself for the first time!  Yay!  After a half year of fighting with our stubborn boy, he actually did it today again. How great of a thing is that!  I was just thinking what can we do to motivate him.  We used sticker charts, candies on the wall, cheerios floating the toilet bowl, several cute animals and comic book underwear...nothing meant anything to him.  Is it close for picking up a huge box of diapers soon?


The reason Amalie made the origami toilet series is these beautiful gifts from my friend's family. Colored pencils, a  big top, fish and fishing poles, ninja weapons. We are so impressed by them.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Bay window bench.


Earlier of this year, we lowered the bay window to make a bench.  Now, I made a cushion for it. Originally, there was a love sofa right there.  This is a great solution to make a seating area in a very small living room.

First, I made an exact pattern of our bay window.  Then, I cut the 4" foam.  I could spend a lot more for this at a fabric store, but I found this 4 x 8 sponge at Fred Meyer next to the hardware section for only $20 .  Our bench is longer than 8', but I cut out two pieces, and it worked.


I wanted to match the slip covers with the big sofa.  So, it was quite a puzzle to use left over fabric.


Finished?  Not yet.  It needs cushions, but I can't go out to buy materials...


There is a new swimming noodle and IKEA's pillow.  Maybe it works...


I cut a pillow in half.


I opened it, and wrapped a cut swim noodle.


Then, I sewed it to the shape I wanted.


I sewed  slip covers for them.  I love the look of piping.


All done.  I might want to make the bench 4" lower.  It's a little high for it to be another couch.  However, it's good enough, right?


This is my hand with chemo side effects.  My fingers are numb, and my fingernails are black.  It was a really hard DIY project, but nothing stops me from doing any hands on work:)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.8 - walk.



My mom went back to Japan this morning for a couple of weeks.  While she was here, she did every single household chore you can imagine inside and outside of our home, raising two crazy children, and even attending some school events for my daughter.  Without her, I feel I have forgotten to do something about every minutes.  Our friends are bringing meals everyday, so I only have to do a limited amount of housework, and I can focus on recovery.  We are really uplifted by them.  Thank you!

The reason I couldn't update my blog was that I had to admit myself to the hospital again.  I got neutropenic fever.  Both my white and red blood cell counts got too low.  I spent two days in the hospital after a date in the ER with my husband.  I'm still not able to go outside and see people, but I'm glad that it didn't take my life away. 

最近、更新が滞ってしまいました。前回の抗がん剤治療がとても厳しくて、具合が少し良くなってきたかな、と思っていた矢先に熱がでてERに入り、そのまま 入院してしまいました。白血球も赤血球も危険な数値に下がってしまって、大丈夫かなと不安になったりもしたけど、大事に至らなくて良かった。今、私の体にくじけてもらっては困ります。今は退院したけど、外出もできないし人と会うこともできません。日本にいたら、無 菌室に入っているんでしょうね。でも、おうち。病院よりぜんぜーん幸せです。



These photos are taken at a public garden near our house before the 4th round of chemo.  We had so much fun finding lizards, mushrooms, leaves, beautiful moss and fresh air.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

turkey-less thanksgiving.

It's already Thanksgiving.  This year my husband took the kids to his family reunion, so I spent a nice quiet day with my mom at home; actually, today was a very efficient cleaning day.  It was really nice.  It has been a week since my 4th round of chemo, my brain is finally working close to normal, and I started feeling a bit better.  I don't think I can stand the smell of the turkey this year, so we cooked stuffed pork tenderloin with apricots and almonds, broccoli salad, fried sweet potatoes with candies, artisan bread, and a orange chiffon with lemon curd.  These pictures were taken with Amalie's camera, so the colors are off, but mmmm, Yum!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

autumn berries.

