Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Craft for children.



Amalie made this cute art with acorns and wood branches.  The school she goes to in Japan has tons of workshops available for a small fee.  This was one of them.  I think most of the teachers are volunteers, and they have amazing skills.  I wasn't expecting much from it, but I was wrong.  It's really amazing!

And, this is a pin cushion wish Japanese traditional silk.  WOW!  Did she really sew this?!


Meeting with friends.



Kasairinkai Park



You can see Disneyland over there.





Biggest ferris wheel in Japan.


That is Tokyo Skytree, the highest tower in the world.


そして、これがアマリの絵日記。 的を得てる。でも、スイカ割りがアメリカの先生に伝わるのだろうか。男がバットでスイカをかち割っているようで、少し心配だな。まあ、その通りだけど・・・。

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tire park.

This park is made with old tires.  It's really cool!!!
The picture is Amalie and my friend's son.  Unfortunately, Luther is a little too young for anything here.  There are huge concrete mountain slides, which people and tires were sliding - rolling?! - off together from all directions.  I can picture Luther getting seriously hurt, like broken nose, in about ten minutes.  I wish Ryan is here to watch, help and play with him.


Oven baked plastic charms.




Do you know this plastic board?  We can draw something with permanent markers, cut it into shapes, and then bake it in a toaster oven.  

Voila!  It shrinks to a quarter of the size, but it thickens by about an eighth of an inch.  

discovered this at a local stationary store when I was about 10 years old; it was sensational.  I made charms, gold medals, jewelry, etc.  I thought it was completely gone from the market, because maybe it is toxic or something, but we found it again when Amalie was shopping with her Tooth Fairy money.  Of course, she spent a dollar for this after I sort of explained it to her.  I wish I can tell you how excited she was for the whole process.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Bugs in the city.



Thursday, July 26, 2012

Snow cone.

It's really hot and humid.  I usually don't sweat even when I work out, but right now, my fingers are sweaty.  It's a bit short of 95 degree, and the humidity is 75%.  This hotness, the cicadas' noise, the scent of a burning mosquito coil, and a snow cone.  This is what I've been missing for 15 years!  No complaint.  I love it.
By the way, this ice-shaver machine is from at least when I was Amalie's age.  


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Finally, tooth fairy.


Finally, the first tooth came out!  Look at this smile.  She was waiting for this day for a long, long time.  I was a little sad to say goodbye to her baby tooth.


「トゥーサウザン ダラーズ!」と自慢していました。うーん。それはちょっと違うな。


Of course the tooth fairy came with Japanese yen.  I totally forgot about it; although Amalie was even praying when she put the small jewelry case under her pillow.  When my alarm went off, I jumped, and luckily I acted fast enough without waking her.  However, there was only two hundred yen (about two dollars) in my wallet.  Shoot!!!  Luckily, Amalie was screaming,
“WOW!  I got TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!”, though.

In the evening, I took her to a wonderful Japanese dollar store.  It was super fun.  It was her first time shopping by herself with her own money.  She wanted to buy a kitchen timer, which she thought was an alarm clock.  She wanted it, because I use my cell phone for my alarm.  Or, she wanted to by a small size roll of tinfoil, because all we have is a huge one from Costco.  I kept saying she can buy any toys, hair pins, cute things, etc.  I guess, she wanted to shop like an adult.  Funny!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A little train watching.


On the first day of summer break, the kids wanted to ride and see trains, especially the `Shinkansen' or Bullet Train.  Its maximum speed is 186mph, and it goes through most of Japan.  It is expensive to ride on it, too.  I don't think I can travel with the kids overnight by myself yet, so we just enjoyed watching it.  


I found this spot from the train we ride all the time.  We can see local trains, bullet trains, two lines of monorails, and Tokyo Tower.  The best part is it's safe for kids to run around like remote controlled cars.


The tower between the buildings is Tokyo Tower.  Sky Tree tower recently opened.  It is the highest tower in the world, and everyone is talking about it, but I guess this old Tokyo Tower is more fascinating to my kids.



We happened to be next to this Pokemon Center.  I didn't know Pokemon is so popular.  In front of the building, there was a huge and long line to get in to this (I guess it's a) store.  Sorry, I don't even know what's in there...

This is an extra.  I just like this.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

School life.

It's finally summer break for us.  Amalie had such a wonderful experience here in Japanese school.  We wrapped a little gift for everyone in her class with a message, saying “Thank you”.

In Japan, it's okay for children to walk by themselves to and from school.  They can even go to the neighborhood park.  Ever since I gave birth to our kids, and I'm raising them in the US, I'm not used to letting them get more than 6 feet away from me.  However, after a couple of weeks here, Amalie really enjoyed walking to school and coming home with her friends.  Every morning, her little brother, Luther cried for about an hour on the street, because he wanted to go to school as well.  I just have to deal with his terrible, horrible twos.

While Amalie is in school, Luther has to play pianica. It is what first graders learn at school.

Amalie's teacher gave her an opportunity to be a school lunch server for a week.  Luther just had to wear the uniform on the weekend before washing and returning it.

All the kids in school must to have this safety hat to protect from earthquakes.  (It might be just around here in the city of Tokyo.)  Usually, they are attached to the kid's chairs.  This was mine from my high school.  Luther is pretending he is He-man, of course.

The red hat is for PE.  PE is usually outside, and it is supposed to protect from the sun.  Why isn't there a bill?  It's an ultra UV hat isn't it!?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Obon-memorial day.

On July 15th, in Tokyo, it's a day for our deceased family members to come home.  My aunt cooked these amazing dishes, and most of my family got together.  At night, there was a festival on the street. We are enjoying summer in Japan very much!






Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tattoo on umbrella.

Instant DIY at my parent's house.  Amalie needs a child size umbrella for going to school.  Since she probably uses it only a few times, I bought this one at a dollar store.  Japanese dollar stores are amazing.  If you ever come to Japan, I recommend to visit one of them.  They are pretty sophisticated and not junky at all.

Amalie asked me to paint a horse silhouette, but when I was digging in my art supplies, I found a sheet of old tattoos.  I just had to try this.  Maybe it works...



It worked!  


It's not even close to a horse silhouette, but Amalie used to like Disney's Marie.


In about 5 minutes, a plain umbrella became a Disney item.



Monday, July 09, 2012

Morning jog in Tokyo vol.1

I started my morning jog again.  It is really high humidity, and the heat from the asphalt kills me, but look at these photos.  Passing through these temples makes my run very enjoyable.  If I still lived here, I might even not pay attention to any of these view.  It is precious.


lotus roots in pots

black gate & black fence

the view through a gate.



this was built in 1608

the scent of hydrangea is even beautiful