Thursday, November 29, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.8 - walk.



My mom went back to Japan this morning for a couple of weeks.  While she was here, she did every single household chore you can imagine inside and outside of our home, raising two crazy children, and even attending some school events for my daughter.  Without her, I feel I have forgotten to do something about every minutes.  Our friends are bringing meals everyday, so I only have to do a limited amount of housework, and I can focus on recovery.  We are really uplifted by them.  Thank you!

The reason I couldn't update my blog was that I had to admit myself to the hospital again.  I got neutropenic fever.  Both my white and red blood cell counts got too low.  I spent two days in the hospital after a date in the ER with my husband.  I'm still not able to go outside and see people, but I'm glad that it didn't take my life away. 

最近、更新が滞ってしまいました。前回の抗がん剤治療がとても厳しくて、具合が少し良くなってきたかな、と思っていた矢先に熱がでてERに入り、そのまま 入院してしまいました。白血球も赤血球も危険な数値に下がってしまって、大丈夫かなと不安になったりもしたけど、大事に至らなくて良かった。今、私の体にくじけてもらっては困ります。今は退院したけど、外出もできないし人と会うこともできません。日本にいたら、無 菌室に入っているんでしょうね。でも、おうち。病院よりぜんぜーん幸せです。



These photos are taken at a public garden near our house before the 4th round of chemo.  We had so much fun finding lizards, mushrooms, leaves, beautiful moss and fresh air.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

turkey-less thanksgiving.

It's already Thanksgiving.  This year my husband took the kids to his family reunion, so I spent a nice quiet day with my mom at home; actually, today was a very efficient cleaning day.  It was really nice.  It has been a week since my 4th round of chemo, my brain is finally working close to normal, and I started feeling a bit better.  I don't think I can stand the smell of the turkey this year, so we cooked stuffed pork tenderloin with apricots and almonds, broccoli salad, fried sweet potatoes with candies, artisan bread, and a orange chiffon with lemon curd.  These pictures were taken with Amalie's camera, so the colors are off, but mmmm, Yum!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

autumn berries.



Saturday, November 17, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.7 -beanie cap-


Knitting is my meditation.  It takes away most of my discomfort, and I just focus on what is at my fingertips.  This is my new version of a beanie cap.  It was supposed to be a  beret, but I added a bill to hide my lack of hair.  This cute model wants the same one, ok, it's my next project.


I'm finishing up my 4th chemo treatment.  It is getting tougher since the amount of medicine has increased.  However, I can get out of here in a couple of hours.  This chemo temporarily takes my vision away, I can't reply to any messages very well, and I can't take any calls from extreme fatigue, I apologize.  I'm sorry.  I will return messages to you all as soon as I get back to normal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kimono in Japan

While we were in Japan this summer, Amalie and Luther celebrated their 3rd and 7th year.  (Although Luther won't turn 3 years old until next year.) It's called 'Shichi-Go-San'.


Most people usually go to a hair salon, and they hire a professional kimono expert, then they shoot photos in a studio.  However, I wanted to try taking photos by myself in a natural setting.  No posing, but with natural lighting, a real background, and a true child's smile.  The only, and biggest problem, is that I don't have nice camera.  I thought about renting one, but I don't even know how to use them.  I wish I took my photo classes more seriously in college.

Here is a documentary of a few hours of preparation.

Her hair needed to be up.  It's called MOMO-WA-RE.  I just looked at some pictures, and I sort of made it.



Then, my mom dressed her up.  This kimono was mine when I was seven.  My grandma made it from scratch, with her own fabric, and my aunt embroidered everything.  I wish they were here.  Oh, and Luther's suit was sewn together by my mom.  He loved it, and he didn't want to take it off all day.


Let's go.
I found this spot during my morning run.  It's the side of a temple's main building.  Less people pass through here, and it is in the shade with a nice breeze.  However, there is no way to take good pictures with two crazy kids. 


This is it.
Do you think we should retake it at a professional photo studio?  Or did my compact digital camera work?


Sunday, November 11, 2012

bunny birthday cake.


お誕生日の前日に、さくらんぼのコンポートを作り、スポンジケーキを焼いて、コンポートのシロップを半分の厚さにに切ったスポンジに しみこませて、ラップでくるんでおきます。それから、ロイヤルアイシングで飾りを作ります。アマリが描いてくれたデザイン画に忠実に、パーチメントペーパーに搾り出して乾燥させます。

Amalie's request for her 7th birthday cake was a bunny cake.  From her design drawing, I made this bunny cake.  A day before her birthday, I baked a sponge cake, cooked cherry comport, brushed the cherry syrup from the comport on the cake, and wrapped it in plastic.  For the decoration, I piped out royal icing on parchment paper, and let them dry.


The bunnies are made with marshmallow fondant, and the mushrooms are made with candies.  They are covered in cornstarch, so they don't stick everywhere.  Let then sit in an airtight container in the refridge until the cake is ready to decorate.


The next day, I assembled the birthday cake.  Unfortunately, I didn't have enough cream on the side... For a cleaner look, butter cream is better, but we like whipped heavy cream.  Sponge cake with whipped cream and fruits.  It's the best!

  Happy 7th Birthday Amalie!

そして、お友達が、偶然お見舞いに届けてくれたCrave Bake Shopのカップケーキ。ずっと気になっていたお店です。実は、一日遅れで私のお誕生日なので、今夜いただきます。楽しみだな。

Coincidentally, our friends brought these cupcakes for me from Crave Bake Shop.  We've been talking about this shop for a while, and we never had a chance to visit.  In fact, today is my birthday, so we are going to have these tonight.  What a perfect gift with perfect timing!


So cute!  'baked chocolate' and 'birthday cake'.

pink dinner rolls.

For my daughter's birthday dinner, my mom cooked some amazing dishes, and I made pink dinner rolls.  They have grated beets baked in.  They are powdered with cornstarch and slit across the top before the second rise. 


After coming out of the oven, the color changed.  It's still pink isn't it?  I think it's perfect for Christmas dinner.


What is the trick to making very soft rolls?  I heat the oven to 375 degrees.  As soon as the rolls are in the oven, lower the temperature to 300 degrees, and bake them for only 7 minutes. 


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Handmade doll house.


While I was cleaning Amalie's crafting station mess,  I got distracted, and I started making a bed for the doll house.  After all that work, I still think I should have used twigs to build it.  Someday, I'll redo this.


Actually, we made this doll house for Amalie's 5th birthday.  My husband made the box.  I did the roofing, flooring, windows, painting...It was fun!  All the furniture is from Amalie's grandmother's basement.  It's retro.


Amalie made this window box.  Great idea!


I wish we could do this window and door trim on our actual house.  Isn't it chic?  


Cute residents moved in.


There are still several boxes of wonderful antique miniature furniture.  Something I needed to do 2 years ago, but I put it off for too long...

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Big helpers in the kitchen.


With this winter squash,  we made pumpkin pudding.

I had special guests in the kitchen.  Unexpectedly, Luther was a big help, though he is pants-less for potty training purposes.


Someone is addicted to condensed milk.


I'm sorry for the kids.  I  put in too much pumpkin.  It was too healthy.  It tasked like more like vegetables than desert.  Amalie said next time, she wants to make chocolate pudding from a box!

Sweet loaf.


Butter and condensed milk sweet loaf with yohkan (sweet azuki bean block) and cranberry.  This yokan has a hint of molasses.  It matches well with sour cranberries. 


Sunday, November 04, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.6 - Flowers on hats.

自分ががん患者になってみて、初めて分かったことがたくさんあります。ひとつは人の目。帽子をかぶっていても、襟足やもみあげにも髪の毛がないので、どう見ても「あ、この人、病気。」という目で見られます。やっぱりビックリされる感じです。正直、とても嫌です。でも、私もそういう反応をしていたかもしれない、と思って反省しています。娘といっしょに外出するときは、ウィッグ命令が出ているのでウィッグをつけますけど、やっぱりカツラなんですよね。それに、とっても疲れてしまうというか、帽子の方が楽というか、がん患者の人たちがスカーフを頭にくるくるしていたりする謎が解けました。それにね、髪の毛が全くないってすごく寒いんです。なので、お家にいるときや入院しているときは、もっぱらニットハット。 お花をつけてパッと明るく暮らします。

One thing, I still don't feel comfortable about is how people look at me, as if I am different.  Maybe people have always looked at me this way, but now that I have cancer I get a strange feeling when they glance at me.  Although I wear a hat, there is still no trace of hair at all, so some people react to it.  Maybe they are looking at me the same way they were before I had cancer, but I don't know.  I know I should wear a wig, and I do whenever I go out with my daughter, who is sensitive about how people look at me, especially other children that are curious.  However, the wig makes me exhausted.  I purchased a few cute hats for going out, but I don't feel like wearing them at home, or while staying in the hospital.  Now I understand there aren't many choices for cancer patients.  Beanies are comfortable, but there are not very many cute ones.  So, I dress them up.  For just an ordinary beanie, I put on smokey pink flowers.


I bought the cute hat (on the left).  I tried to knit a copy of the shape, and it looks pretty close.  I added a few hot pink flowers to brighten it.  Since knit hats needs to be washed once in a while, I attached the flowers with pins, so I can take them off to launder the hat.  


My first attempt was this.  It looks like Aladdin's castle!  It's ridiculous that I didn't even realize how asymmetrical it was until I finished it.  


I torn it a part, and I remade it.  Is it cute now?