Thursday, February 28, 2013

Living with Cancer vol.13 - Thank you Lunch.

We had a thank you lunch with my friends and mom.  They went through everything from the biopsy surgery to remission together, literally taking care of me and the kids, car rides, meals, school, day and night...  They are more than just friends; more like my sisters.  So, this lunch is not even enough to thank you, but it's just the beginning.  And, all of you who are now reading this blog, who supported and prayed for us, thank you!  If I ccould, I would do a little nice and cozy lunch with everyone.






If you know my mom, she doesn't let me cook with her, so in the corner of my kitchen, the only thing I did was bake a chocolate chiffon, and I made pink dinner rolls using beets.  

Fun times pass by so fast.  There is never enough time to chat with girl friends.  I even forgot to take a picture of the dessert.  Here is one right before they went into the Tupperware next to dirty dishes:)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

mossy, woody adventure.



Of course, I love sunny days, but it's pretty nice to walk under big thick clouds on winter days.  

Between the lake and the river, there is a mossy walkway.  It's a little adventure to go under an old bridge, stepping over jagged rocks, etc.  It must was the first time Luther walked there by himself.  He was thrilled.  It just reminded me when we were still in our early twenties, this walk was our date every once in a while.  I was always really excited for this mysterious woods.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Glowing shirt.

He is charging.


Both my kids love glowing pajamas.  We found one for Amalie recently, but Luther kept wearing this tiny shirt.  Since we had no luck finding a bigger size for him (Does anyone know who carries cute glowing pj's?), I finally cut the glowing part, and I put it onto Amalie's old T shirt.


"I love Rule" to "I love monster"
...Sounds like Luther.

"I love ルール" to "I love モンスター"


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Play-Doh treats.


These decorations are for the upcoming Girl's Day.  The Japanese treats are on lacquer dishes...except you are not supposed to eat these ones.  They are play-doh.

After Amalie made slabs and stacked them on top of each other, I cut the "rice cake" into a diamond shape with a kitchen knife.  Since it's homemade play-doh, it's nice to not have to worry about the safety of toxic materials, or if Luther sneaks a taste of the dough.  It was a really fun project to do with the kids.  I loved it.




本物に見えるかな。ひしもちは、三色積み重ねてから包丁で切りそろえました。食品からできた粘土なので、包丁はきれいに洗えば大丈夫。 万が一、ルーサーが口に入れてしまっても、おいしくないと思うけど、大丈夫^^


小麦粉 2カップ(480cc)

塩   1カップ(240cc)
水   13/4カップ(420cc)
サラダ油 大さじ2
クリームオブターター 大さじ1




2 cups flour 
1 cup salt 
1 3/4 cups water
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp cream of tartar 

Cook them all together in a pot until it looks playdough-like. Then kneed more.

Monday, February 18, 2013

winter flowers.

witch hazel tree

 snow drops

paper flower?  I forgot the name of this tree.

green and pink moss

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Before we had sweet treats, I helped with my daughter's Valentines.  She wanted to do origami flowers for her classmates and teachers. Good idea!  I was curious if there was someone special?  but, everyone's were the exact same this year.

折り紙にキャンディーを添えて、クラスのお友達全員と先生に。 みんながみんなにあげるシステム、いいですよね。まだ、『特別』はいないみたいですけど。今朝、週末に作ったバレンタインメイルボックスを持って、ルンルンで出かけていきました。

We have a plan tonight (I hoped for a romantic one, but it's just a meeting at the hospital), so we had a chocolate party last night.  


I love these chocolate covered strawberries, but the kids love these chocolate covered marshmallows.  Sugar on sugar!

Have a sweet Valentine's Day!


Papa's birthday.

Our Valentine's Day starts with my husband's birthday on the 12th.  I made this chocolate chiffon cake with strawberries and white chocolate.  It was really good with vanilla bean ice cream on top.


Of course, the kids had to blow out the candle, not papa...Luther was even singing a birthday song to himself.  It seems like during this whole entire party, he was thinking it was his birthday.

「**Happy Birthday dear~ "LUTHER"」と。


Monday, February 11, 2013

crayon hearts.


It's been a while since I went through the crayon bin.  There were a bunch of broken thirds and halves.  I usually dump them in the trash can, but this time there were so many.  I think Luther might be using them pretty roughly, and he easily breaks them.


So, I put them in an IKEA ice tray.

Then,  water bath in a pan.  


It melted pretty easily.  I used toothpicks to stir them.

After cooling down, and un-molding them, here they are.  Crayon hearts.


It seems like they are easier to use for a brand new 3-year old boy.  He only picks heart crayons now.  It's a fun project.  Next time, I want to make marbled ones.  I regret all those bunches of crayons I already threw away...

なんだか、とても節約した気分。今まで捨ててきたクレヨン、とっておけば良かったー。 今度はマーブル模様にしたいな。

Thursday, February 07, 2013

sweater teddy bear.


I haven't worn this cotton sweater for a while.  That means it needs go.  Before it gets into a box destined for the salvation station, I thought about making a pillow for our bay window bench.


Then, somehow, teddy bears came to mind for Amalie and Luther.

It was the perfect project for a dark and rainy day.  It was faster and easier than I thought.  


Early Happy Valentine's Day!

少し早いけど、*ハッピー バレンタイン*

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Old and new coat hanger need to be stained.

These recently installed coat hooks (link is here), looked a bit too dark, and a bit of a different brown color than the wooden column and furniture around them.  I wanted more older grey looking.


So, while I was waiting for a kettle of water to boil, I stained them white.  I made the stain with leftover acrylic paint and water.  When I was in college, I used this technique a lot for staining wood to any color I wanted.


The bottom one is stained.  The upper one is not.


Amazingly fast and quick fix.  And, it's much better.   I love the gray.


Monday, February 04, 2013

Red demon, blue demon.

In Japan, we celebrate the day before spring begins.  It's called setubun.  (If you are curious, check this article.) We throw soy beans to the outside saying "Demons out!", then throw beans to inside while saying "Luck inside!"  Holly tree and sardine heads are supposed to keep bad luck away.  This year, I strongly prayed 'no more cancer and everyone's good health'.

節分でした。みんなの健康を強く念じながら、ヒイラギといわし(アマリが折り紙で折ってくれた金魚ですけど・・・)を 飾りました。どうか、病気はもう入ってきませんように。




Friday, February 01, 2013

Treat box.


This is what we've been using to store opened bags of candies, chocolate, treats, etc. for a couple of years.  I've been keeping my eyes out for a simple box or basket, which perfectly fits in our cabinet, but there is no luck so far.


So, I finally had to dress this box up.
I used spray adhesive to glue the fabric and lace. 


I was thinking this would just be a quick fix until I find a perfect box, but after all this work, this isn't bad at all.  We got a permanent treat box, I think.