Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Onion Shoots.



Onion shoots. These onions don't become a traditional underground onion. It just forms the shoots. We (Amalie and I) love to eat with miso, sugar and vinegar after we blanch them. It is a good last-minute side dish. However, I feel bad for posting food from my organic garden while Japanese people have been struggling to get safe food and water since the nuclear accidents. I am really thankful for everything we have right now, such as clean water, clean air, and clean food... When I was gardening, I thought of this idea: I wonder if it possible to lend unused US farmland to Japanese farmers. Well, it may not work. They won't move. I just hope the Japanese government can figure out the fastest way to provide safe shelter, food and water.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break at Mt. Hood.


During the last weekend, we went to Mt. Hood for sledding. I thought this Mr. Monster would have so much fun, but he was like this whole entire time; he didn't move even an inch, or even make any sound, just standing like a penguin with this face.


He didn't want to sit on a sled...

He just fell to his face several times while he was sitting on the snow.

Finally, a little smile by destroying a snowman.


But, again, he is back to this.

Since Luther was not moving one bit, the rest of us played so hard. Here are videos of us sledding on a super steep hill.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

First arrangement of the season.

Spring came. When I see cherry blossoms on trees, I feel rejuvenated. Our daisies started flowering. I asked Amalie to pick them before we mow the lawn, and she got two baskets full. Oh, they are not weeds in out lawn. Instead of traditional grass, our yard has Fleur de Lawn which includes English Daisy, Blue Eyes, Sweet Alyssum, tiny Strawberry Clover and little fern with low grasses. We don't need to mow and water as much, and kids enjoy them so much. I love it.


Bunching up small flowers in wine glasses makes them look gorgeous.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh, I love my monsters!

They really enjoy playing house.

However, the monster No.2 is too crazy.


So, we remodeled the house to a duplex.

The satisfied monster No.1 is sitting quietly in the dark

The monster No.2 is dancing to music.




The monster No.2 kicked his wall, and he started dancing harder.

The monster No.1 doesn't even know what is happening, and she is sitting in there peacefully.



Oh, No. The monster No.2 made his move.

This is the monster No.1's most angry moment - probably in her life. If you notice, she was already bonked by the monster No.2, and she had a bruise on her cheek. Well, I've never seen her this upset in the past five years. I thought she was kidding, so I was laughing at first, then she started giving me a lecture,

"It's not "Hahaha!"
"Please get out!"
"Excuse me!!!"


Our solution: Amalie's house was rebuilt in our playpen, and Luther is prohibited from getting in there. Amalie does everything, such as crafts, games, reading, relaxing in the playpen. It's her safest spot from the Luther monster. Isn't that the real purpose for play pen???









Saturday, March 19, 2011


地震、余震、津波、原発について色々な情報があり、日本に家族や友人がいる私も不安に過ごしています。アメリカで暮らしている私がおせっかいにも動揺しているのに、日本にいる人達は、もっともっと不安な気持ちでいらっしゃると思います。そんな気の弱い私のメッセージの返信に、かれこれ13年来髪を切ってくださっているヘアスタイリストさん {大田区池上にあるqualia offbeat (クオリアオフビート)} が、こんな事をかいてくださいました。ご本人の許可を頂いたので、転載します。

と。 お友達も、



There is tons of information and gossip about what's going on in Japan. I have all my family and friends in Tokyo, and I've been nervous about whether or not we have been told the whole truth. However, I received a strong message from my hair stylist. He said,
"Everybody is nervous. Although there are inconveniences, such as a rolling blackouts, we still can sleep in warm beds, and there is still laughter. The Tsunami survivors are in the depths of sadness, but they will for sure rise up. Japan is not wimpy. Japan is a tiny island, but we are as strong as bigger countries after tragedies like World Wars, the earthquake in Kobe, and so on. Japan is awesome!"
My friend also said,

"I'm scared, but if we stop working in Tokyo, Japan won't function. I'll stay, and work."

I'm super proud of everyone who is living everyday lives there. That's all we really should do. Of course, in a worst case scenario, they must run, and survive, but for now, we root; "GO! GO! JAPAN!"

So, I made belated St. Patrick's brazed corned beef. It made everyone happier. I can't believe how much Amalie and Luther ate. This is something I can do to make my family smile.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cork board.

I always forget to take a before shot. This is after I put the first layer of stain on the frame. It was plain unfinished wood. This board was six dollars from an estate sale. We are surrounded by a wealthy neighborhood, so whenever we drive through an estate sale at castle looking houses, we stop by.


I wanted to organize this mess above the computer.
So, after several coats of stain and polyurethane, I stretched upholstery fabric with some ribbon to hold things.


I really liked it.
However, with things on it, it was too LOUD. It didn't match with kids' artsy style, neither.
The next morning, after I put Luther down for his morning nap, I decided to re-do it.
I found a silvery-gray linen fabric. It's a little thin.
It worked. When I started, I was looking for diamond pattern canvas, so this ribbon made it look the way I wanted as well.

Yeah, this is much better. The ribbons hold paper very well. It didn't really have to be a cork board. Oh well.



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Easter Egg Mobile.

These are real eggs we dyed last year. F.Y.I, they are empty, not rotten. I finally finished a mobile, which I promised Amalie last year. I'm sorry, Amalie. We started to collect egg shells for this year. We are gonna have a happier Easter this year!

I'm a little depressed about Japan, but there are people out there to fight, and stand up again. I really need to go back to everyday life to honor them.




Monday, March 14, 2011

"Luther NO!"














Me: "Luther is really cute, but I can't enjoy him after 2pm. I get too exhausted."

Ryan: "Yeah, he is 20 times more than Amalie was."

We won't trade him for anything, and we love him from the bottom of our hearts, but he is BAD...

He brings a stepping stool to get on a chair, then he gets on the table and stands up.

He takes all tissues out of box.

He takes unfavorite food out of his mouth, and he tosses it far away.

He bites Amalie.

He knows he is doing something bad, but he doesn't care.

Then, he smiles back at me when he is told "NO!".

He throws himself on the floor, if he doesn't like something.

He hits his head on us if we stop him from doing something.

On top of that, his movements are too crazy. So, here he is with a cold pad on his forehead. He is injured all the time, as well as us from his head-butts and bites. He is a bulldozer. Seriously.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tears from my heart.

Two days ago, Japan was hit by gigantic earthquake and tsunami.

When my husband, Ryan first said there was an earthquake in Japan, I thought it would be one of those small ones all the way out in the ocean. I grew up in Tokyo where it is always shaking. We get earthquakes a few times a month. So, it's usually not big deal at all, but this one was. It's just I still don't know what to say. I'm very shocked and heartbroken about everything happening in Japan. Those people who couldn't run, who lost their lives, who were exposed to radiation while they were trapped in debris....... I haven't been able to sleep or function. Just hoping there are more and more lives to get saved.

And, thank you for everyone who asked me about my family. All of my family is fine. Tokyo is a few hundreds miles away from where it really hit, but it kept shaking very hard on and off for at least 24 hours. All my family and friends said they have never experienced this before. I have heard crazy stories from them, but I'm really thankful that they are okay.

I don't know what I can do for them right now from here, so I pray to God.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Amalie worked hard to lay there with everyone.

This summer, we were supposed to have a 5 foot living wall around the back yard. My dream is laying on a ground with someone who organized them. The arborvitaes turned yellow and brown, and it doesn't seem like they will come back...I watered them crazy like hurricane last summer. Is it because the horse manure compost was too strong? Or, our neighbour spread some kind of weed killer right on the border? Anyway, we had to replace the small trees again. Hahhhhmmmmm.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Trampoline Exercise.

Trampoline exercises are supposed to work out core muscles, and the pelvic bone will adjust back into place after pregnancy. Isn't that what I need this for? However, I only last 20min. I get bored and distracted by thinking I need to do this and that instead. How can I get motivated?

By the way, this trampoline was $10 from an estate sale. It's perfect for kids playing inside while it's raining everyday.


Amalie is on all the time. She has no fat to shape up....

This guy is bouncing on it as well with his hot and steamy socks; aka his security blanket.
He collects and carries his socks around after he is done with the trampoline. That is important to him.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Re-using non-yeast bread.

My bread didn't rise at all after a couple of hours....I guess I forgot to put yeast in. So, here is pan fried asparagus wrapped in bread dough and bacon. It was slightly sweet and good. I think the bread machine can also make pot sticker wraps. I have a bunch of leeks in a refridge, maybe later in this week, I should try.


Monday, March 07, 2011

Kentucky Derby Hat.

Master Artist, Amalie.
When she showed up in front of me with this hat on, I jumped a little by surprise. Nice design, isn't' it?
Between Amalie and Luther, I am constantly putting things away. There are shredded paper and toys everywhere. Our house looks like a disaster.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Card for papa.


Ryan hangs this birthday card from Amalie in a special place, so he can see it everyday.

PAPA HAPEE BARHTDIE (Papa Happy Birthday)

LAV (Love)         

STAIG (Stage)         

DASH IS BOBOM DAS (This is bottom dance)  

B SIAS BOO (B says Boo)

BADARFLAEE (butterfly)


Covered up Booster.

Luther is moving to a convertible car seat, so Amalie got a new booster seat. She really wanted a girly flower patterned one, but it will be handed down to Luther after Amalie is done, so...
This is her booster covered in a Toile pattern. Just for your information, Amalie chose the fabric. I wanted to do it in navy/white stripes. This reminds me of a lady who lives behind us. I was so not excited while I was making it, until she had her first ride today. She was super happy with it. I guess that is all that matters to me.....






I made Miso the first time. We use it a lot for anything instead of salt. I usually drive 30min to Uwajima-ya, the Asian market, and buy three at time, but I don't like to go out there often just for miso. And, it gets expensive if I think about the cost of gas, time and other things. As well as, I found a recipe with less sodium. The salt I used is a great one from Japan, and I found the rice-koji (culture) at the local beer/wine/sake brewing ingredient's store. Koji is also used for making rice wine. Hopefully, in eight months, we can eat this. I can't wait!

"It's NOT!"


Amalie has to say it for everything nowadays.
So, I started agreeing with whatever she denies, like.....
"Amalie, come inside. It's really raining."
"NO. It's not raining."
"Okay, you can stay outside."

15min later, I found her sitting on a soaking wet rock.
"Amalie, isn't your bottom wet and cold? Come inside."
"No, I'm HOT! This is a lava rock. It's not WEEEET!"

15min later, I found her on the porch, wiping off the umbrella with her wool coat.
"YOU! Grandma made that. Don't ruin it."
"Oh, BUT it's the best thing to take the water off."

When she came in, she rushed straight to the bathroom for No.1, then on put her warm pj's, and asked me for hot milk, still saying that was the best afternoon.
















Saturday, March 05, 2011

Girls Day.



Girl's Day = Amalie's Day.

Our girls day decoration set from my grandma has really old flowers, so Amalie made some. I'll put them in the box along with all the other decorations to save for many more years.

The second photo has the soup in focus, even though it is supposed to be featuring the sushi, and it doesn't even show my butterfly cut carrots. Where are they? It took me a while to build this tri-colored diamond shape sushi. And, we also forgot to take Amalie's picture while Luther was going too wild.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Little Mu's diy Diary

I changed my blog title.

I started blogging after Amalie's baby diary finished when she turned three. And, I didn't know what it was going to be like.
Now, we are such DIYers. This is all I do. Making things is my life. I enjoy saving money by creating things I want, and I need to make things because I can't buy them in the US, like some food ingredients. If our lives are all about being cheapskates, then it's miserable. We don't buy anything cheap quality. Hopefully, I'm making our lives richer.
Although the title says DIY, I still blog about other things, so it's a small 'diy'.


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Addition was finished a year ago.

This was what we bought eight years ago. We were so brave to pay for this tiny and abandoned-looking house. I wouldn't do it again, if it happens now....We only thought living here for two or so years, but I guess we are still here.

2010 Summer


For the door, Ryan did the trim work, and I painted. Then, the black iron used to be a candle holder, which we bought it from the former Trail Blazers' general manager's garage sale in our neighborhood. Although, I really want a heavy expensive great door, instead.


These stairs lead up into the addition. We really built everything by ourselves. Ryan does the rough building, and finishing is my job.


Luther's due date was close when I was staining this handrail and fence. I worked throughout two nights just in case I had to go to the hospital.

Master BR / マスターベッドルーム


Part of the ceiling is vaulted. We even had to custom make the closet doors, since the ceiling is a bit low, but I love them after all.


We even made this bed.

Bathroom / 2階のバスルーム


There is a lot of tiling in here, and it caused many fights. It had to be perfect. If not, then we had to re-do all of it, but Ryan thought differently. Everyone thinks Ryan is more patient, but in reality? It's me. We found these floor tiles, marble tiles and the medicine cabinets at ReStore (Habitat for Humanity store) at very inexpensive costs. The combination of the pure white subway tiles and the trim work looks gorgeous.

Amalie's room / 海璃の部屋。

I made this curtain and artwork. カーテンと絵、手作り。

Luther's room / ルーサー・奏の部屋
Of course, the curtain and the picture are made by me. もちろん、カーテンと絵、手作り。

We divided Amalie's original long, skinny room into two square shaped rooms, since Luther came along. His room is a little bit smaller, so we made a built-in closet that a queen size bed can go under. In the future, a desk can go in here to make this room an office, as well.

Coming soon・・・・・・・

2011 Spring, probably till fall, We are going to work on our world's smallest kitchen.
