Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Snow

First snow of the season. Amalie didn't want to come inside at all. She was laying down everywhere as usual. I don't know what's up with her laying wherever whenever ever since she was a baby. Is she a hippy?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Time Flies

So, Amalie believes Santa came from the upstairs window, and ate the cookies, and the reindeers ate the carrots. Every time, I use the same plate, she asks me, “Mama, did you wash it with soap and water? Really well?”, because she thinks reindeers licked the plate. She was very nervous how Santa would come, since we don’t have a chimney. How does he get in the house, is she going to see him, is he scary, etc. So, she was very happy that Santa and Christmas came. She kept saying “It was good. I’m really really really really really happy.” I’m more glad than Amalie that it was good day for her.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Royal Icing

When I first moved to the U.S., even until now, I couldn't believe how much icing American love. Besides the icing is severaly tinted with food coloring additives. When Amalie first asked for a crazily colored coated sugar cookie at the Starbucks, after she was done, I took a bite of the leftover, and I tossed it because it was not even a buttely, sweet cookie. It tasted like old sugar.

Since then, this christmas, I made the first royal icing sugar cookies. It's not tasty, but it was FUN! Oh, my gosh. It was an eye opening experience. I was up till 2 am, and had so much fun. I LOVE DOING ICING.


I made some real good cookies from a Japanese pastry recipe. It has ground almonds, and it does make the cookie so crumbly and delicate. Amalie calls them adults cookies.


We miss Amalie.....

Amalie moved into her new own room. As soon as we brought the bed, moved all her clothes and toys to her closet, she decided to sleep by herself. It was really sudden after four years of co-sleeping with her. Since she is not a cuddly or touchy child, it was my only time to be so close and touch her soft cheeks and big tummy and even smell her hair. Oh, I really miss her. We literally cried with tears on the second night. It sounds like I'm a pervert.

This is my new buddy in a cold bed. My friend gave it to me from Japan. The bunny has a gel pack inside, and with a microwave it warms up in 30 seconds. It's genius!



Every year, the Texas sales team from Ryan's work sends a Xmas basket to his work (according to Ryan, it's a box of 4'x4'), and he brings home some mysterious things everyday. This year, they were chocolate covered pringles, caramel pecan and a singing tie. He brought home a Texas shaped chocolate chip fruit cake in past years, that I haven't seen, yet. Where do they find them? And, I'm curious who is in charge of the gifts??? Does anyone want this handsome tie?


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Christmas 2009

Ryan has leftover vacation at the end of the year, and we usually go somewhere, but this year, we are in a last minute rush to finish things before the baby comes. We are working on our last room of the house addition, and things need to be ready for the baby and guests. So, my motivation for Christmas is pretty low, and I'm not happy about it. For example, when we went tree shopping right before the store close on Sunday evening; I was dreaming about getting a 'Redwood' tree for almost a year, but the only thing we could buy was the 'Douglas Fir', because we didn't have enough cash.....

And, the horse carriage ride. We showed up in Christmas outfits on Saturday, but it was on Sunday. In addition, temperature dropped to 20 degrees the next day. It hurt our faces.....

And lastly, we left our house 5 minutes before the Christmas ship parade arrives in Lake Oswego. We drove there 40 miles per hour on State street (strictly 25 mph limit). However, nobody was there. It was done on the previous day....

So, at least, Amalie and I made a gingerbread house. It was fun. Amalie, sorry, we are not forcused.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Remote Control

When I went to the bed, the TV was on. Here is the conversation I had with sleeping Ryan.
"Hey, Ry, where is the remote?"

"My elbow."
"Ha? What are you talking about? I need the remote."
"Here. Right in front of you. My elbow is the remote."
........and, he really stuck out his elbow to the TV, and pushing his arm with his finger. Then, I started laughing, so he did, but he was still pushing harder and harder. I finally found the remote, and turned off the TV, then Ryan just went back to sleep like nothing happened. I just love this friend / roommate / life partner.

と、言いながらひじをテレビに向けて、腕をピコピコ押しだす彼。私が笑い出したら、自分もつられて笑っているんだけど、もっと大げさに激しくピコピコするライアン。で、私がついにリモコンを見つけてテレビを消したら、さも自分が消したのを確認したようにまた夢の世界に入っていかれました。 いっしょに住んでいると、結構笑える事の多い’友達 兼 ルームメイト 兼 生涯のパートナー’です。

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ryan had a 9 day vacation, but we stayed home to work on many things. Even on Thanksgiving day, I painted upstairs for 3 hours, Ryan worked on the closet doors, then while Ryan took Amalie to the jacuzzi, I cooked the meal in 3 hours. When we finally sat down on the table, we were about passing out except Amalie who was dancing to Christmas carols. I made most of the things without turkey; pork chops, cranberry sauce, brussels sprouts and wild mushrooms casserole, stuffing, orange candied yams, swiss chard with ground sesame seeds, brioche rolls, lefse and a fruit cake. It took so long to cook lefse since we don't have proper tools. Anyway, lefse is tradition of Norway, and here is the Odegaards' recipe from Aunt Betty who is the legend of pastry chef.

Sunday, November 22, 2009



I know it's weird to put my picture. I am a narcissist.
Well, I cut my hair by myself again. Amalie was going crazy on the messy floor, and I was quite upset, then it got shorter, shorter, and shorter. Am I okay going outside?

Bishop's Close


We love to go walking at the Bishop's Close garden. The scenery changes throughout the year. A few weeks ago, we were checking each other's shoes saying, "Did you step on poo?". It wasn't poo. It was a Ginko nuts. It looks like a yellow cherry, and the fresh skin literally smells like between poo and puke. However, inside of the shells are jewel green, and it is used in Japanese cuisine. (It doesn't smell at all.) We went back with disposable gloves and boots, and we picked them this much! My tummy is too big, and I had to fight cramps, and I felt like almost puking.


In addition, we found him. This lizard eating a worm.......
Amalie loves to find new things in nature. We have quite a collection of her twigs and leaves on our porch.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


We had a little cake and piñata party. A few of our family friends spent time to coming for the party. Luckily, it didn’t rain, so we hit a piñata outside. It was fun for us as well as it was a big event for Amalie. She won’t forget this day for rest of her life. Thank you everyone!!!

Then, after・・・・・

Click the arrow. This is a video.


PS: I’m opening my piñata store. If you want a hand made piñata of your request, let me know :)



Amalie turned four years old. I can’t believe it. We already spent time with her for four years. Oh, we only have fourteen years to go until she is off for college. I wanted to hear her saying “Three years old” one more time, but she wouldn’t go back. She is so proud to be old. All she really wanted to do was going to the gym’s daycare and Jacuzzi with Ryan, and she wanted some princess balloons. I think her little wish is so cute. When she came back home, she ran to the kitchen, and asked me, “Mama, are you making the cake?” Then, I showed her the puff pastry swans with lemony custard and whipped cream. She got so sad. She just wanted the real ‘cake’ cake. However, before she went to sleep, she said “It was so much fun. I want to do my birthday again.” I guess this is the first birthday that she is aware of birthday cake, candles, gifts, and special treatments. It was fun to watch her today.


Does anyone know if these are edible? We have tons of them on the north side of hour house.


Amalie was a blue owl, just like from the design on her Starbucks travel mug. She even practices saying “Trick or Treat, hoo-hoo”
This year, we did 2 hours around with her best friend, Georgia and new friend, Dean. Georgia’s parents, Tony and Trilina were so prepared, and they served us an apple cider in travel cups while we walked. It was a really nice night. Surprisingly, Amalie isn’t shy anymore. I don’t know if it’s candy power, or if it’s because she is with her friends? The picture with the toilet was the best moment for kids. I don’t know if Georgia or Dean thought it was funny, but Amalie is into saying “Stink like poo” and “Yucky bottom” such things, so it was a crack up for her. It was good exercise for me, as well. I passed out on the couch as soon as we got home, but then ate some candy happily, so I couldn’t get to sleep until 4am. What a healthy pregnancy life…..

Chestnuts again

This year, we went to pick chest nuts every day for 2 weeks. Amalie became my weapon. She scares squirrel (they are the biggest competitors), and picks up nuts after I break shells with my feet. I cooked them, and eating everyday like an addict. Ryan said I’m wasting my time for it. We don’t need them. But, I need them for my life support. Oh, I miss the roast chestnut cart off from the train station in Tokyo.


Disney on Ice

Look at Amalie’s face and hands. She was so serious, and her hands on her legs. She didn’t move for a good 40 min, and made me nervous thinking if she didn’t like it or she is sad. It was great, but in my personal opinion, the Ringling Brother’s circus was the greatest. (If they come to your city, you should go. I’ve never seen such a show.) Of course, Amalie loved Mickey and Minny, and all the stories, but her most favorite was ice skater’s waving big blue scarves which looked like water for the Little Mermaid show. It’s very Amalie.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Awning in a week


Ever since our house is livable, we really slowed down to working it. Well, I've been sick, and Ryan had to take care of everything, but last week we had quite a battle about motivation. Then, we made this in a week. We just have to keep it up. The next and final project is dividing Amalie's room in half. The baby is coming soon....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It was close.


It was close. I accidentally stabbed my wrist about a month ago. I literally thought how was I going to ER - staining the car seat along the way, and it would cost a lot for stitches. Fortunately, all I needed were several band aids. Anyway, please don't think I tried something else.


Ryan and Amalie went on a date to the Blazer's basketball game tonight. Ryan was so excited. I'm curious how Amalie would feel and what she would like. So, tonight is my own night. I just came home from an hour walk, and still enjoying the quiet moment.



They came home now. Amalie's highlight of the game was all about cheerleaders and those guys who threw the girls in the air. Also, she said she liked only one basketball player, and she is super sad that Ryan missed catching a plastic ball which was shot from the court.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Tokyo and School

人の顔をグーで押して、「Mama, you go to Tokyo. I go to school by myself.」と言ってみたり、「I don't like mama sometimes. I only love papa.......nnnnnmmmm, I don't like you once or twice.」とほざいてらっしゃる。この写真は、夏の初めにアイスクリームトラックが来て自分で選んで買ったアイスを誇らしげに食べている写真なんだけど、こんな感じの誇らしげな顔つきでエグイ事を言ってみたりしている最近の海璃様。これも、親離れしていってしまう一種の自立なのだろうか。愛されているのが分かっているから言える事なのだろうし、私も全く気にもならないから親子って不思議。でも昨日、「ママ、かわいいじゃないよ。ぶす。ふっとってる。」って言われてしまった。これは、凹。

Wednesday, September 30, 2009




体調が良くなくてほとんど家から出られない実質ママ不在な生活の中で、海璃はたくさん成長しました。ランチはチーズとハムのオムレツを一人で作って食べてくれるし、東京の実家に好きな時にスカイプしてグランパとグランマに遊んでもらえるようになったし、感心することばかり。ちなみに、ライアンが仕事から家に帰ってくる度に、「When mama was げろイング、Amalie painted these by myself!」と毎日の報告。すごい日本語英語。もともとパパっ子なのに、今では二人だけの世界を醸し出しほっつき歩いています。プールでもお友達が出来たみたいです。いい事。


I am surviving somehow..... The baby is growing big, and so am I.

Today, I stayed at the pool for a little while after we met Ryan at the gym. Since I can't do much with her, because of my difficult pregnancy, he takes her to the gym's daycare and the pool a few times a week. She has also learned so much to accommodate with this life. She cooks ham and cheese omelets for her lunch by herself, she can skype with my parents whenever she wants to play with them, and she plays really well by herself when I need to rest.

Anyway, at the pool, she was going 100 miles per hour. She jumped, and swam with her face down, then threw the kickboard, and jump to it, get out and run to the fountain, through all the waterfalls, jump in to the Jacuzzi with a kickboard.........non stop motion. However, I couldn't stay very long with my condition. I just waved to Ryan, and left, but I heard Amalie's crazy cry. She wanted to show me 'One-Two-Jump' (she counts, One...Two..., and then she jumps in), which she already jumped into the big pool about 100 times. I told her to show me a big one, then we can wave bye-bye. She understood, and ran and jumped into the pool. Later, Ryan told me she was showing off to me. It just made me really sad. She must have been very excited that I was watching her today. I'm sorry, Amalie. I feel really bad that I am not good at pregnancy and I am so limited.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Miracle News



Some of you already know, but we got a miracle baby. Since a few doctors told us that I can’t get pregnant anymore, and there was zero possibility. We had given up, and moved on. So, this was just an eye opening surprise for us, too. We still can’t really believe it. The due date is some time during the first week of February, but it probably will be in mid-January. I would like to thank to my acupuncturist. She believed that my body would return to being healthy, and she encouraged me through out the process, even though I had no idea what treatments she was performing on me. As well as, thank you very much for those who prayed for us consistently. God was listening….

ps: Please don’t tell Amalie, yet. She wouldn’t understand if something happens, and she wouldn’t be able to wait if she knows that she is gong to have a sibling. Thank you.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Her Weapon

She is super cute when she is sleeping. Of course, I still enjoy her when she is up, and she is going nuts. Even when she picked up her pee soaked tissue from a toilet bowl with an evil laugh….



お花が満開です。 ウィンドウボックスとハンギングバスケットもあとは取り付けるだけ。母の日以来、地面に置きっぱなし。早くしてくださいな、ライアンさん。
Window boxes and hanging baskets are ready, and sitting there since Mother's Day. We just need to put them up, don't we? Ryan?